wannaphong / ttsmms

TTS with The Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) project
MIT License
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Chinese files ('hak' and 'nan') do not play. No inclusion of main dialects: Mandarin, Cantonese. #13

Open kaizengrowth opened 3 weeks ago

kaizengrowth commented 3 weeks ago

The Chinese files: 'hak' and 'nan' for Hakka and Min Nan, do not seem to generate any audio.

dir_path = download("hak","./data") # lang_code, dir for save model
dir_path = download("nan","./data") # lang_code, dir for save model

Hakka and Min Nan are also lesser known dialects than Mandarin, the standard dialect across the country, and Cantonese, spoken in Hong Kong and regions in Southern China, including Canton.

Would it be possible to include Mandarin and Cantonese models as well, as they are more commonly used by 1.4 billion speakers?