wannaphong / ttsmms

TTS with The Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) project
MIT License
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Newbie in Python tries to run ttsmms on Win11 and gets no wav output file. Help me, please. #7

Open JohnClaw opened 1 year ago

JohnClaw commented 1 year ago

As i wrote in my previous thread, after encountering some problems during installation, i managed to successfully install ttsmms on my laptop. Then i downloaded an archive with Udmurt language model, unpacked it to a new folder, created a txt file in that folder, opened it with notepad, pasted there the following code: from ttsmms import TTS tts=TTS("C:\udm") wav=tts.synthesis("Со карын улэ.") #Udmurt sentence that means "He lives in the town." tts.synthesis("Со карын улэ.",wav_path="example.wav") I saved this modified txt, changed it's file extension from .txt to .py and then double clicked on it. But nothing happened: example.wav wasn't created. What did i do wrong?

wannaphong commented 1 year ago

Do you have install git and perl?

JohnClaw commented 1 year ago

Git is installed. And which version of Perl is recommended to be installed?

wannaphong commented 1 year ago

Perl should be v5.