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KU Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School PhD dissertation latex class
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Issue with the list of symbols and abbreviations #110

Open manuelperezesc opened 2 years ago

manuelperezesc commented 2 years ago

Dear, I am trying to use the template for my master thesis and I have an issue with the glossaries as they are not generated as I feel they should.

In my thesis.tex document I have the following:

`\usepackage{nomencl} % For nomenclature \renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols} \newcommand{\myprintnomenclature}{% \cleardoublepage% \printnomenclature% \chaptermark{\nomname} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\nomname} %% comment to exclude from TOC } \makenomenclature%

% for the list of abbreviations (comment out if you do not use the glossaries package \usepackage{glossaries} % For list of abbreviations \newcommand{\glossname}{List of Abbreviations} \newcommand{\myprintglossary}{% \renewcommand{\glossaryname}{\glossname} \cleardoublepage% \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\glossname} %% comment to exclude from TOC \printglossary[title=\glossname] \chaptermark{\glossname} } \makeglossaries%`

And later I just ask for it to be printed as:

`\includepreface{preface} \includeabstract{abstract} \myprintglossary


\tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \mainmatter % to get \pagenumbering{arabic} \onehalfspacing \instructionschapters\cleardoublepage

\includechapter{introduction} \includechapter{methods} \includechapter{protocol} \includechapter{results} \includechapter{conclusions}`

Then, I generate the entries of that glossary as:

\newglossaryentry{tddf}{name={TD-DFT},description={Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory}} \newglossaryentry{casscf}{name={CASSCF},description={Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field}} \newglossaryentry{ci}{name={CI},description={Configuration Interaction}}

I call those entries, for example as:


However, when I do that, an empty blank page is generated in the resulting pdf document with heading "List of abbraviations" but nothing is displayed. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!

wannesm commented 2 years ago

Did you also run the makeindex binary? See the readme (or thesis.pdf if you are on windows).

manuelperezesc commented 2 years ago

Hi, thank you for your reply! I solved it running it on TexStudio, as pointed in a previous issue, although it did not work for me on Visual Studio Code using the LaTeX tools or libraries.

vanditya commented 3 months ago

It works with me with VSC with MiKTeX complier. Dont forget to run.py first and all good