wannesm / adsphd

KU Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School PhD dissertation latex class
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Translating to Spanish #117

Closed juampicerutti closed 6 months ago

juampicerutti commented 6 months ago

I'm a dual PhD student, and because of the agreement established between universities I have to do the thesis in both English and Spanish (I'm from Argentina). I haven't had any problems. However, when it comes to translating it, I managed to translate almost everything, but there are four things that I can't modify: the chapters are automatically indicated as "Chapter", and I need them to be called " Capítulo". Similarly, I need the header of the appendices to be "Apéndice", the Bibliografía to be "Bibliografía", and Contents to be "Índice".

Could you help me with this, please?

I add some screenshots of what I need to modify Appendix Bib Contents Chapter

Thank you, Juan Pablo

wannesm commented 6 months ago

You can set Spanish as the main language instead of English. Change the lines in adsphd.cls that mention english where appropriate:

% originally: \usepackage[dutch,english]{babel}

% originally: \selectlanguage{english}