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KU Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School PhD dissertation latex class
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Undefined control sequence of \makefrontcoverXII #72

Closed NorbertMagyar closed 6 years ago

NorbertMagyar commented 6 years ago

Dearest latex template contributors,

I have just downloaded the template, as I am about to start writing my thesis. I get this error by multiple means of compiling, without making any changes to the original files (make, ./run.py, Texmaker, etc.):

> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \makefrontcovergeneralXII ...sffamily \dtlifnumlt
> {\DTLrowcount {supervisor}...
> l.111 \makefrontcoverXII

I tried some debugging myself, however, I'm not really a Latex expert. Any ideas?

Thank you very much for putting this template together!


wannesm commented 6 years ago

You might have an older LaTeX installation. The template requires a recent version of the datatool package (https://ctan.org/pkg/datatool?lang=en).

NorbertMagyar commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot! It worked!