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KU Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School PhD dissertation latex class
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How to use pdf_tex in new version of template? #74

Closed heleenfeh closed 6 years ago

heleenfeh commented 6 years ago

I am trying to add a pdf_tex figure to a chapter: \begin{figure}[h] \input{image/CV.pdf_tex} \caption{Some caption} \label{fig:CV} \end{figure}

This doesn't work in the new template. The error I get is: ! LaTeX Error: File `image/CV.pdf_tex' not found, while the figure is there. I've plugged in my chapter into an older version of the template, and there it does work.

ThijsBoehme commented 6 years ago

This question on StackOverflow suggests adding the import package when the image is in a subfolder (image/ in your case), or adding \graphicspath{{image/}} to the preamble.

heleenfeh commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions. The import package is used and adding \graphicspath{{image/}} does not solve the problem. For other type of figures (.jpg, .png, ...) , I don't have a problem. It related to the fact that it is a .pdf_tex or that the \input is used.

ThijsBoehme commented 6 years ago

You should also only need one of the solutions, not both.

Can you try import instead of input?

heleenfeh commented 6 years ago

\import{chapters/chaptername/image/}{CV.pdf_tex} does the trick! Thanks a lot!