wantedly / machine-learning-round-table

Gather around the table, and have a discussion to catch up the latest trend of machine learning 🤖
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Machine Learning 輪講 #19

Open agatan opened 4 years ago

agatan commented 4 years ago


Machine Learning 輪講は最新の技術や論文を追うことで、エンジニアが「技術で解決できること」のレベルをあげていくことを目的にした会です。

prev. #18


話したいことがある人はここにコメントしましょう! 面白いものを見つけた時点でとりあえず話すという宣言だけでもしましょう!

agatan commented 4 years ago

Set Transformer: A Framework for Attention-based Permutation-Invariant Neural Networks


agatan commented 4 years ago

Large-scale Pretraining for Neural Machine Translation with Tens of Billions of Sentence Pairs

agatan commented 4 years ago

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Self-Supervision