wantedly / microservices_monday

Monday is a good day to talk about Microservices
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2019-01-07 Microservices Monday #28

Closed luvtechno closed 5 years ago

luvtechno commented 5 years ago

2019-01-07 19:00~20:00

Microservices Mondayは、マイクロサービスに関連する話を気軽に共有する会です。毎週月曜日に開催されます。



話したい・聞きたいネタを書いていきます ✏️


ハッシュタグ #microservices_monday

luvtechno commented 5 years ago

Cherami: Uber Engineering’s Durable and Scalable Task Queue in Go | Uber Engineering Blog

Uberのrocks db backendのgo製task queueの話。その前はがredis backendのtask queueだった。

creasty commented 5 years ago

Local Kubernetes development with no stress https://github.com/windmilleng/tilt

izumin5210 commented 5 years ago

Spotify のブログ「Autoscaling Pub/Sub Consumers」 https://labs.spotify.com/2017/11/20/autoscaling-pub-sub-consumers/

izumin5210 commented 5 years ago

いい名前のリポジトリ https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo

izumin5210 commented 5 years ago

いい名前の本 https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484238578

rerost commented 5 years ago

Chaos Engineering https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.05843

rerost commented 5 years ago

Fault Injection の話(Linkedin) https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2018/05/linkedout--a-request-level-failure-injection-framework

S-YOU commented 5 years ago

tilt の k8s, kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop で切り替えれば kubectl 使えそう?

rerost commented 5 years ago



creasty commented 5 years ago

Darwin/macOS emulation layer for Linux https://github.com/darlinghq/darling

south37 commented 5 years ago

A Guide to Envoy’s Backpressure https://blog.turbinelabs.io/a-guide-to-envoys-backpressure-22eec025ef04

5 fundamentals to a successful microservice design https://techbeacon.com/5-fundamentals-successful-microservice-design

From the perspective of the calling service, it should always track its calls and be prepared to terminate them if the response takes too long. From the perspective of the called service, the API design should include the ability to send a response that indicates overload. This response, typically referred to as backpressure, signals that the calling service should reduce or redirect its load.

izumin5210 commented 5 years ago

tilt は本番と同じ manifest & docker image をローカルでも簡単に動かせる というものっぽい minikube とかでやるのと比べると、利用者は k8s と docker の知識が不要になるという点でとても良さそうに思える (Tiltfile を書く人は知ってないとだめ)

tilt 自身とはそんなに関係ないけど、starlark の活用例を初めて見た (昔 skylark って名前だった、python と同じ syntax な configuration lang)

izumin5210 commented 5 years ago

o'reilly safari は microservices に関連する書籍が沢山あってよさそう enterprise プランもあるらしい https://www.oreilly.com/online-learning/pricing.html