ward-wise / data-analysis

Data analysis on Chicago infrastructure and infrastructure spending
MIT License
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Install as a pacakge to allow scripts to be run from anywhere #11

Closed s-sajid-ali closed 11 months ago

s-sajid-ali commented 1 year ago

Uses flit as the packaging tool to install. Let me know if you can now run the analysis script from any directory.

With this, the package can be installed via pip install . from the root directory. Alternatively, pip allows installing packages via git by MyProject @ git+https://git.example.com/MyProject once this is merged.

Added reduced address csv data via:

chicago_df = full_df[full_df["PLACENAME"] == "Chicago"]
reduced_dict = {"CMPADDABRV": chicago_df["CMPADDABRV"], "Lat": chicago_df["Lat"], "Long": chicago_df["Long"]}
reduced_df = pd.DataFrame(reduced_dict)

The data files are now installed as part of the package.