wardbell / bardjs

Spec helpers for testing angular v.1.x apps with Mocha, Jasmine and QUnit
MIT License
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Update the Readme to point out bard also works for Jasmine #13

Closed riddla closed 9 years ago

riddla commented 9 years ago

Hi Ward,

I stumbled upon your project some weeks ago and by only skimming the repo (or the description to be precise) I thought bard only offers help when testing with the mocha/chai combination. I returned today after watching parts of your (well made!) Pluralsight course on testing Angular in which bard is mentioned/used with Jasmine.

Maybe you could update the description from Mocha/chai spec helpers for testing angular v.1.x apps to something along the lines of Framework agnostic spec helpers for testing angular v.1.x apps. or Spec helpers for testing angular v.1.x apps with mocha or jasmine or QUnit.

PS: Thumbs up for this library, just by using the inject method I cleaned up my tests a lot.

wardbell commented 9 years ago

Glad it helps you. Why not create a pull request with language that you think would more clearly explain bard's range?

wardbell commented 9 years ago

FWIW, it should work with Jasmine but I haven't tested it. It might work with QUnit or other test frameworks but I haven't tested them either. Thus I cannot be sure that it is as "agnostic" as you say ... and I'm not willing to commit to backing up such a claim.

riddla commented 9 years ago

Hi Ward. Thanks for your response, I'll be glad to do a pull request. FYI: I'm currently working on an Angular project tested with Jasmine 1.3 and found no problems. I did not use every feature, but at least the appModule, inject and log worked like a charm.

johnpapa commented 9 years ago

it should work with jasmine ... let us know if we missed anything

riddla commented 9 years ago

@wardbell: I might be mistaken or overlooking something, but I seem not be able to update the project description (using a pull request). The normal README is fine from my side, the description could be Spec helpers for testing angular v.1.x apps with Mocha, Jasmine or QUnit to match the Readme.

riddla commented 9 years ago

@johnpapa: I'll keep you posted, when I find the time and a proper usecase for the other bard features within my Jasmine specs. As stated above, appModule, inject and log worked smoothly.

wardbell commented 9 years ago

@riddla I believe those descriptions come from the package.json and bower.json; I've updated accordingly

riddla commented 9 years ago

@wardbell, good catch about the bower.json and the package.json. Updating them makes perfect sense, but the description I was originally referring to seems to be a Github only thing and can only be edited via the UI, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7757751/how-do-you-change-a-repository-description-on-github.

wardbell commented 9 years ago

Ah ... fixed it. Thanks

riddla commented 9 years ago

Just a quick follow-up: bard.mockService also works as expected within Jasmine specs, very helpful.