wardi / django-filebrowser-no-grappelli

django-filebrowser for default Django admin site. Based on https://github.com/sehmaschine/django-filebrowser v3.1 (before it was in git) Consider using https://github.com/smacker/django-filebrowser-no-grappelli which is based on a newer version
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Can not select file #56

Open artsim opened 11 years ago

artsim commented 11 years ago


I do not have a way of selecting and inserting the file.

Running on Django 1.5 and the pull request https://github.com/wardi/django-filebrowser-no-grappelli/pull/55 from @chielteuben

The admin section is running on django-admin-bootstrapped.

caa commented 10 years ago

I just started using https://github.com/jose-lpa/django-filebrowser-no-grappelli and his branch looks good except for the "select file" issue. I just wasted like ten hours on this trying to get this working right with TinyMCE.

If you put this in your project's settings file, you'll be able to link to all the file types listed in filebrowser/settings.py EXTENSIONS dictionary. The image, file, and media keys in the following dictionary are used when you click on the image, link, and media icons in TinyMCE's toolbar respectively.

screenshot 2013-10-26 00 27 30

The following settings are for django-tinymce.

    # image is used when you click on "Insert/edit image" icon
    'image': ['Image'],
    # file is used when you click on "Insert/edit link" icon
    'file': ['Folder','Image','Video','Document','Audio','Code'],
    # media is probably used when you click on "Insert/edit media" icon
    'media': ['Video','Audio'],

FYI These are the extensions in filebrowser's settings.py, which you can override.

    'Folder': [''],
    'Image': ['.jpg','.jpeg','.gif','.png','.tif','.tiff'],
    'Video': ['.mov','.wmv','.mpeg','.mpg','.avi','.rm'],
    'Document': ['.pdf','.doc','.rtf','.txt','.xls','.csv'],
    'Audio': ['.mp3','.mp4','.wav','.aiff','.midi','.m4p'],
    'Code': ['.html','.py','.js','.css']
gauravnagia commented 10 years ago


I am facing the same problem (not seeing the Select Buttons at all). It seems like django-filebrowser-no-grapelli is working fine, but I am making some mistakes in integrating with django-tinymce. I added the 2 variables in settings.py of filebrowser- URL_TINYMCE = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_URL_TINYMCE", DEFAULT_URL_TINYMCE) PATH_TINYMCE = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_PATH_TINYMCE", DEFAULT_PATH_TINYMCE)

Please suggest what extra settings are required. I installed the below using pip and used with admin site- Django==1.5.4 django-tinymce==1.5.2 Pillow==2.3.0

I am new to django frameworks, so would be grateful if you could elaborate the further steps required. Thanks in advance.

Regards, Gaurav

caa commented 10 years ago

Try using this branch of django-tinymce https://github.com/aljosa/django-tinymce. django-tinymce 1.5.2 is really old. You should use maintained versions of both django-tinymce & django-filebrowser. You shouldn't have to monkey with any apps' settings.py file.

Wardi's branch of django-filebrowser also has issues. He's not merging the fixes that other people have completed. I recommend this branch https://github.com/jose-lpa/django-filebrowser-no-grappelli.

Make sure you have the following in your project's settings.py file (not filebrowser's).

    # image is used when you click on "Insert/edit image" icon
    'image': ['Image'],
    # file is used when you click on "Insert/edit link" icon
    'file': ['Folder','Image','Video','Document','Audio','Code'],
    # media is probably used when you click on "Insert/edit media" icon
    'media': ['Video','Audio'],

I hope you can get it working soon. Good luck.

gauravnagia commented 10 years ago


I am still facing issues in getting it working. Here is my new Requirements file- django==1.5.1 Pillow==2.3.0 https://github.com/jose-lpa/django-filebrowser-no-grappelli/zipball/master#egg=filebrowser https://github.com/aljosa/django-tinymce/zipball/master#egg=tinymce

I reverted all the changes except adding 'FILEBROWSER_SELECT_FORMATS' in settings.py file of my project.

But still getting the same result, Not seeing the select buttons. for any of the filetype. qa_viewer

Please suggest if I am missing something. Regards, Gaurav

wardi commented 10 years ago

@caa thank you for pointing that out. I've merged jose-lpa's branch

caa commented 10 years ago

@wardi that's great news! Thank you for having a branch of django-filebrowser. It helped me out a lot.

@gauravnagia I noticed there isn't a column for selections. It might be because nothing is selectable. Have you overridden any of filebrowser's templates by any chance?

Here's my other settings in settings.py. Sorry I forgot to include them. PROJECT_PATH is your full project path. This config assumes the static & media folders are in your project directory. You'll probably have to change the paths to suit your project. Hope this helps. I'm using Django 1.6 here.

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

# Django Tinymce app settings
TINYMCE_JS_URL = '/static/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js'
    'theme' : "advanced",
    'plugins' : "inlinepopups, paste, media, table, fullscreen",
    # Fix Url, Js behaviors
    'convert_urls' : False,
    'relative_urls' : False,
    'valid_elements' : "*[*]",
    # Theme options
    'theme_advanced_buttons1_add' : "|,fullscreen",
    'theme_advanced_buttons3_add' : "media,|,pastetext,pasteword,|,tablecontrols",
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' : "top",
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' : "left",
    'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' : "bottom",
    'theme_advanced_resizing' : True,
    'width' : '85%', 'height' : '500px',


Here's a screenshot. My settings make even folders selectable. screenshot 2014-02-19 15 25 36

If this doesn't work maybe we can do a Google Hangout, Skype or Facetime.

gauravnagia commented 10 years ago

Hi, Sorry for bothering you again. :) I changed the settings exactly how you mentioned but I am still not able to see the 'Select' Buttons. Also I am not overriding any of filebrowser's template. Could you please contact me on my email id (gauravnagia@yahoo.com)?