wardrobecms / wardrobe-archived

A minimal blogging application
MIT License
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I am stuck on the frontpage #17

Closed Ilyes512 closed 10 years ago

Ilyes512 commented 10 years ago

How do I get to see the admin area and the login area. I got trough the install and now I get to see the frontpage with a option to either go to post (empty) or rss.

So how to proceed from this? I tried /login without succes.

edit: Do I need to go into routes and create it my self? Just started learning Laravel.

ericlbarnes commented 10 years ago

It should be /wardrobe for the admin. Can you give that a try?

Ilyes512 commented 10 years ago

Tnx, I got it running :). It's indeed very minimalistic, but a great start! :)

Just got a few comments: 1) I had allot of trouble getting it installed cause of permission issues. I had to try all kind of things and I resolved to chmod -R 777 the hole wardrobe folder. I am running this with Vagrant (VirtualBox) and it probably got to do with that as well. I will try it again later with a fresh install to see if I can get it running without chmod'ing the whole folder.

2) I couldn't find out on my own where to login until you told me :). Maybe a redirect to the /wardrobe after the install is complete and a mentioning of /wardrobe in the documentation/github might be handy?

edit: I did the setup again in a fresh vagrant box and I still get permission issue's. I chmoded app/storage (with vagrant and within my real os) multiple times. I now get the fallowing error: image

So there might be some files being copied while installing thats needs permissions?

edit2: I see that new files created inside the storage folder do not have the same permission as the folder: -rw------- (as shown by "ls -l" command). So its a issue with vagrant... hmm

Ilyes512 commented 10 years ago

Ok I just fixed it :) by chaning my vagrant file:

config.vm.synced_folder "~/WebDev", "/var/www/", id: "vagrant-root", :nfs => false, owner: "www-data", group: "www-data"

Just 2 things:

ericlbarnes commented 10 years ago

It looks like the image directory is actually in config with a default to img: https://github.com/wardrobecms/core/blob/master/src/config/wardrobe.php#L25

So yes public/img based on the default. I'll get the docs updated.

Ilyes512 commented 10 years ago

OK, thanks :)! I will close this now.