warenhuis / Crash-Bandicoot-2-Modelexport

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(I am new to Visual Studio) How do I properly build the app? #1

Open NetyashaRoozi opened 8 years ago

NetyashaRoozi commented 8 years ago

I may sound like a idiot but I don't think I got it properly built, I can see the levels from crash 2 but I can't view any other models and I can't extract anything, I did what it said, I moved the files to the crash edit source and replaced it but nothing is different except I can view the levels geometry and vertex shading

warenhuis commented 8 years ago

Oh, I haven't actually uploaded the tool yet. I did not figure anybody would come across the repository yet. It was just a readme. I will upload the tool today (within 12 hours that is). But it is a completely seperate program from CrashEdit, you only need CrashEdit to export the items from the models.

NetyashaRoozi commented 8 years ago

Oh, Well when I built the tool with crash edits sources I got to view the actual level layout, only issue is that its all in pieces, Btw its the level Sewer or Later

warenhuis commented 8 years ago

What did you want to export in this particular case?

NetyashaRoozi commented 8 years ago

The Level, those washer guys and the fan blades attached

NetyashaRoozi commented 8 years ago

also crash edit wont let me extract the T1 Entry's

warenhuis commented 8 years ago


This is ughman's CrashEdit. You should see the option there The 'washer guy' is called 'Scrubber' in the game. Look for "Sca1aG" (export the 5 items) en "Sca1aV" (export one of these items). Those are the entries you need.

NetyashaRoozi commented 8 years ago

I was looking through the level and I cant find Sca1aG or Sca1aV were you looking at the other level The Eel Deal?

NetyashaRoozi commented 8 years ago

Nvm found it in The Eel Deal and the filename was different, instead of Sca1aG and Sca1aV it was Sc1aG and Sc1aV

ManDude commented 8 years ago

Yeah, filenames can only be 5 characters long.

theb13maker commented 8 years ago

Hello guys. could I have some help? im trying to get. neo cortex (his head or his body) the lab assistant from eel deal and scrubber and the jet pack. I got the scrubber. I just need the other 3. i WANT to do this by myself. but you know. its hard coz i don't know which filenames has the models in them u know? please help me. great program btw THE FUTURE IS HERE!

warenhuis commented 8 years ago

The lab assistent from eel deal (Welder): We1aV and We1aG

Jet pack: Je1iV and Je1iG in S0000012 or S000001A

Neo cortex is not possible yet. Parts of the character models are compressed with a very elaborate scheme. I'm still working on that.

theb13maker commented 8 years ago

thank you soo much! :D

ManDude commented 8 years ago

The code entries show the names of its respective models. Code entry names are much less complicated so you can understand stuff better.

AraHaan commented 8 years ago

Anyone know where I can find Coco in the Crash 3 Warp Room so I can have it?

warenhuis commented 8 years ago

Sorry, that is not possible yet for two reasons:

  1. Crash Bandicoot 3 is not yet supported by this tool
  2. The Coco model is in a special compressed format, which I am still trying to decode
AraHaan commented 8 years ago

hmm well that sucks I hate compressed shit.

AraHaan commented 8 years ago

hmm I got a idea is it possible to switch the Crash bandicoot/coco models in the warp room? Althought the coco stuff would probably have to be exported from level 3 to do that.

ManDude commented 8 years ago

Yes. Swap the names in the 6th item of a code entry.

AraHaan commented 8 years ago

because I always wanted to use coco in warp room instead of Crash.

ManDude commented 8 years ago

Oh. The engine is not that flexible. Since it uses vertex animation, Coco wpuld need to have the exact same parameters as Crash.

AraHaan commented 8 years ago

hmm coco does have jump. I am not sure if she has a hidden param as crash does in it somewhere.

ManDude commented 8 years ago

I mean parameters like polygons and vertex counts.

AraHaan commented 8 years ago

oh hmm now we really probabl;y should test it to make sure it can work I do know however that referencing invalid opjects in game files can make it crash.

ManDude commented 8 years ago

It won't work if Coco doesn't have the same amount of vertexes as Crash does, and if it works it will look... not good.

AraHaan commented 8 years ago

hmm unless you can somehow cchange the code where it would have the correct vertex number of coco.

ManDude commented 8 years ago

You would need to change the model itself.

warenhuis commented 8 years ago

All I will say on switching models is that replacing existing modelinfo with new modelinfo containing LESS vertices, the results seem to be fine. The other way around (MORE vertices) will crash the game.

I have NOT tested this with models of multiple animation frames, so there might still be issues after all.