warenhuis / Crash-Bandicoot-2-Modelexport

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Multiple animation export? #6

Open RatcheT2497 opened 8 years ago

RatcheT2497 commented 8 years ago

This isn't exactly an issue, but more of a suggestion, as I'm not exactly sure where to put this...

How about the ability to export multiple animations? Have the "frame" file be named "frameX.fra" or something like that, at the start of the program set Game Maker to look for every file with an extension of .fra (should be possible with a for loop and some "string_char_at"s), and then sort them based on the name?

The export process would probably take a lot longer, however the end result would be that you have pretty much all animations you need. (This only applies to objects that actually have multiple animations, obvs)

Thank you for hearing me out, and for making this great tool (In Game Maker, no less!) :)

warenhuis commented 8 years ago

My pleasure. As for multiple animation export, this is a good proposal. However I think I'll have to wait with implementing this untill I've done more research on an alternative design of the tool interface - with much more integration and additional functionality, or alternatively for possibilities of getting this implemented in CrashEdit. Either way this will be part of a broader set of future decisions, I'll add the 'enhancement' label and I will post updates on those decisions here.