warewulf / warewulf

Warewulf is a stateless and diskless container operating system provisioning system for large clusters of bare metal and/or virtual systems.
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dracut not working with secure mode #1261

Open posch opened 1 week ago

posch commented 1 week ago

Steps to reproduce

Using a container that includes a dracut initramfs, built with:

dracut --force --no-hostonly --add wwinit --kver $(ls /lib/modules | head -n1)

and a node that was configured for dracut, with:

wwctl node set $node --tagadd GrubMenuEntry=dracut

and with "secure: true" in warewulf.conf, the node fails to boot. warewulfd.log shows:

DENIED : Non-privileged port: $ip:55810

Node boots fine with secure: false.

Error message

RECV   : hwaddr: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, ipaddr: A.B.C.D:55810, stage: runtime
DENIED : Non-privileged port: A.B.C.D:55810

Information on your system

Commit 18b99353bec1d21dd53761e110e4ced58ad07b60

wwctl version:   4.5.4-1
rpc version: apiPrefix:"rc1"  apiVersion:"1"  warewulfVersion:"4.5.4-1"

warewulf running on Rocky 8.9

General information

mslacken commented 1 week ago

I guess you have to disable the download of the "runtime" overlay in grub stage. The secure flag just means, that you can download the "runtime" only under the following conditions:

posch commented 1 week ago

Yes, that seems to work. Thanks.

anderbubble commented 1 week ago

This isn't downloaded by grub, but by dracut; so it might be possible to get it to use a privileged port for download.

I'll have to look into it.

anderbubble commented 1 week ago

It's downloaded with curl at https://github.com/warewulf/warewulf/blob/main/dracut/modules.d/90wwinit/load-wwinit.sh#L11

And the curl docs say you can specify a local port.


So this should be feasible, as long as the curl in the initrd isn't some stripped-down curl without that functionality.