warhammerkid / bluetti_mqtt

MQTT interface for Bluetti power stations
MIT License
139 stars 53 forks source link

unattended way to run the program #2

Closed dabene1408 closed 2 years ago

dabene1408 commented 2 years ago

Hi, not a bug but a question I have no idea how i run your program unattended on my Raspberry. How would you do it? Greets

warhammerkid commented 2 years ago

I don't currently have a raspbian system to verify this with, but once I do I'll update the README with instructions.

If you ran pip install bluetti_mqtt then you should have a bluetti-mqtt command installed (you might have needed to use pip3). On Ubuntu it's in /home/$USER/.local/bin/, but you can find where it is by running which bluetti-mqtt. If that doesn't work, run python -m site --user-base and look in the bin subfolder.

$ python -m site --user-base
$ ls /home/ubuntu/.local/bin/
bleak-lescan    bluetti-logger    bluetti-mqtt

Once you have the path to the bluetti-mqtt command you can use that in a systemd service. This file should be placed at /etc/systemd/system/bluetti-mqtt.service. You'll need to update the path, MQTT broker host, and bluetooth addresses.

Description=Bluetti MQTT



Once you've created the file, you should be able to run sudo systemctl enable bluetti-mqtt, so that it automatically starts when you reboot, and sudo systemctl start bluetti-mqtt to start it. If that doesn't work, try running sudo journalctl -u bluetti-mqtt to see if it printed out any errors.

dabene1408 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, now it's working :)