warhammerkid / bluetti_mqtt

MQTT interface for Bluetti power stations
MIT License
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ep500p has 2 MPPT controllers. #52

Open TheUser opened 1 year ago

TheUser commented 1 year ago

ep500p has 2 mppt controllers and it looks like we are only tracking the first one,

eljefemiller commented 1 year ago

Same with the AC300. I only see one input.

warhammerkid commented 1 year ago

I have no idea how to switch between the data for the two MPPT controllers or whether the firmware even supports this at all. There's no way to do this in the app as far as I understand, so there's no way to observe the app switching between them. I'm personally not comfortable writing arbitrary data to my device in the hopes that I will be able to just discover how to switch this, so without information from Bluetti this is the best I can do.

MegaBarf commented 1 year ago

what I have seen is that "dc_input_power" is the combination of both inputs and "dc_input_power1" is the power of input 1 only (or vice versa) is ther a way to substract both values from another in home assistant? Problem would be that both values should be from the same second or the same read package?

MegaBarf commented 1 year ago

for anyone who is interested in getting dc input power from channel 2 into home assistant, here you go.

Add "sensor: !include sensors.yaml" to your configuration.yaml (if not done already) add the sensors.yaml (rename to sensors.yaml) or the content of it to your system, restart. sensors.yaml.txt

this will get you dc_input_power2 by subtracting dc_input_power - dc_input_power1. A small problem seems to be that both values are not getting updated the same time sometimes, but better than nothing.

Also this file will give you the input vs output balance by (dc_input_power + ac_input_power) - (dc_output_power + ac_output_power)

have fun.

TylerBizz commented 11 months ago

Same issue in the AC500 - The Bluetti app does display input from each controller separately by tapping on the the DC input icon. This would indicate the data is there under DC2

ItsMe00007 commented 6 months ago

Another Vote for DC INPUT 2, the current Bluetti APP shows the Infos of both DC inputs if you press on the PV icon:

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