Closed rfay closed 11 years ago
The actual error URL is something like
I haven't been able to find what might be doing that. Greping through teh code hasn't found it for me.
Tracked down another one of these, user GTG2012, and again, Windows Chrome.
browser=Chrome, version=0, platform=Win7 (stdClass::__set_state(array( 'browser' => 'Chrome', 'version' => '0', 'majorver' => '0', 'minorver' => '0', 'platform' => 'Win7', 'alpha' => '', 'beta' => '', 'win16' => '', 'win32' => '', 'win64' => '1', 'frames' => '', 'iframes' => '', 'tables' => '', 'cookies' => '', 'backgroundsounds' => '', 'javascript' => '', 'vbscript' => '', 'javaapplets' => '', 'activexcontrols' => '', 'isbanned' => '', 'ismobiledevice' => '', 'issyndicationreader' => '', 'crawler' => '', 'cssversion' => '1', 'aolversion' => '0', 'parent' => 'Chrome Generic', 'useragent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.47 Safari/536.11', 'browser_name_pattern' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (*Windows NT 6.1*WOW64*) AppleWebKit/* (KHTML, like Gecko)*Chrome/*Safari/*', )))
The warmings for this user started immediately on login.
Doesn't look terribly important, but puzzling.
I don't see any of these any more.
Since redesign (perhaps before) we've been seeing a bunch of page not found of "x=NaN".
The one I followed down was a Chrome browser on Windows. I had been thinking it might be an app.