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Formalize a "hospitality request" instead of a free-form message #310

Open rfay opened 11 years ago

rfay commented 11 years ago

This concept was requested in https://www.warmshowers.org/content/host-requests-instead-messages

"It would be nice if there was a more structured way to request a stay with a host. Instead of a 'Send Message' button I'd like to see a 'Request a Stay' button. This would direct you to a form to select the estimated arrival date, time, and uncertainty, length of stay, and how many guests. Then there would be a message field to introduce yourself and write whatever you want."

Of course, Couchsurfing seems to have this pretty well nailed, so would be good to study their approach.

This could also give us some good hosting statistics, which we sadly lack.

I think this could be done with a special-format message... Fields on the hosting request?

ayukawa commented 11 years ago

This gives me a bad feeling. I don't think WSL should become a "room booking" service. From what I've seen (I've hosted quite a number of guests; 3 separate groups this week for example), it is not so clean and tidy for a touring cyclist. There are a lot of variables at play. Arrival times/dates change. I personally read (perhaps too much) into the way the request is made. It gives me a sense of the character of the person. If we de-personalize this element, I think we lose something important. My 2 cents. Rant on: If someone just wants a place to stay for free ... go couch surfing. Rant off.

rfay commented 11 years ago

I don't think that's really the idea. The idea would really be to formalize the request process and ensure that a reasonable amount of information is provided. It could smooth the communication flow. I don't think it would need to formalize as much as just make sure all the information is there in the request.

rfay commented 11 years ago

Accidentally closed by wrong commit message.

kalpaitch commented 9 years ago

I agree with formalising the request-a-stay process in such a way that gathers more hosting statistics.

However, I tend to agree with https://github.com/warmshowers/Warmshowers.org/issues/310#issuecomment-21142272. I have spoken to many travellers over the last year who prefer using WS precisely because the process isn't so formal as CS. Providing too many extra fields to fill in would I think go against this. Whenever I use CS I can never be bothered to go through the formal request process and I just send messages instead, I know others do this too.

Perhaps providing people with an example of the request information required would be a suitable middle ground?

rfay commented 9 years ago

We got the message loud and clear that it has to be simple. Everybody interested in feature priorities should spend a half hour looking at https://www.warmshowers.org/feature_poll and seeing the massive community input there.

However, it's my opinion that this feature can make things easier from both the guest and the host sides. But it has to be done with care. It should eliminate redundancy for the guest (some info reusable) and also make sure that the host always gets the info they absolutely need (like when arriving, how many nights requested, how many people).

kalpaitch commented 9 years ago

Just to highlight some member comments that we received today "Duplicate private messages impact responsiveness rating." - https://warmshowers.freshdesk.com/helpdesk/tickets/8592

There are still issues with the responsiveness rating being tied to Private Messages which would be resolved by a more formal hosting request process.