warmshowers / wsandroid

Unofficial WarmShowers app for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Use less bandwidth—data-saver mode #265

Open PattaFeuFeu opened 6 years ago

PattaFeuFeu commented 6 years ago

Mobile reception and mobile network speeds are getting better and better, but there are still quite a few places, especially in rural areas, where one doesn’t have the reception necessary to get fast response times within the app.

Thus, I’d like to propose a data-saver mode. Ideas on how that might be established include:

PattaFeuFeu commented 6 years ago

Regarding map caching: I’ll check this StackOverflow post and the linked answers.

dericke commented 5 years ago

Would the planned inclusion of OSM use raster tiles or vector tiles? The latter would reduce bandwidth considerably and could be cached on-device.

PattaFeuFeu commented 5 years ago

@dericke Excellent question!

OSMdroid, which we are planning on using for the OSM integration, currently doesn’t support vector maps, unfortunately.


dericke commented 5 years ago

Ah, that's too bad. If you were starting from scratch, I would suggest that you use the open-source Mapbox Android library instead of OSMdroid, but I'm guessing there has already been work done towards OSMdroid integration. If that's the case, should I make a new issue to support vector tiles further into the future?

PattaFeuFeu commented 5 years ago

Vector tiles using OSMdroid or using Mapbox?

I don’t know how much time @saemy put into supporting OSMdroid; but we could have a look at vector tiles at some point. Supporting the maps downloaded from http://www.openandromaps.org/ would be another great addition.

sgelb commented 5 years ago

I don't know of online vector map sources that are suitable for this project. Mapbox is really great and I use them in another project of mine, but the Android SDK has a limit on free map downloads, see their pricing.

Offline maps would be really great, I opened another issue for this: #296.

dericke commented 5 years ago

There's also maptiler.com as a potential vector tile source. I've never used them before, however.

Another non-profit organization that I volunteer for has been trialling Mapbox, and they may have special plans for registered non-profits. Someone would have to contact their sales team to learn more: https://www.mapbox.com/help/account-faq/#does-mapbox-offer-a-non-profit-or-educational-discount