warp-more-hardware / esp32-firmware

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Strip down the build to fit into 4MB flash #14

Closed bs-github closed 1 year ago

bs-github commented 1 year ago

Make the 4MB build working.

The 4MB build is too big at the moment to be flashable onto 4MB hardware.

Solution I think is most likely

Probably the project does not fit into 4MB twice (for OTA falshing) so the OTA part could be taken out to make it work. For that there should be a no_ota_4MB_coredump.csv and maybe the OTA flashing disabled in the backend.

see: https://github.com/warp-more-hardware/esp32-firmware/blob/master/software/warpAC011K.ini#L87

extends = env:warpAC011K
board_build.partitions = default_4MB_coredump.csv
bs-github commented 1 year ago

To shrink the firmware, it worked out to leave out the

                         ;Modbus Tcp
                         ;Modbus Tcp