warp-more-hardware / esp32-firmware

TinkerForge WARP software for more hardware
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Lower the entry barrier to join the project #16

Closed bs-github closed 1 year ago

bs-github commented 1 year ago

Using the AC011K board as the dev platform is sub optimal.

The entry level to join the project is probably too high. It would be desirable to be able to compile the project for more widely available hardware to begin with.

Probably the most ESP32s out there have 4MB of flash.

The solution I'd like There should be a configuration that compiles for the 4MB boards and includes a mocked EVSE module to test the project without having an electric vehicle nor a wallbox.

We already have parts of that but it's not working out of the box right now.

Missing parts are:

bs-github commented 1 year ago

I've started to add some basic explanations in the two README.md and software/README.md files.

Those two files should have enough information to give some brief and basic instructions on how to start.

More documentation should be in the Wiki.

bs-github commented 1 year ago

doc and toolchain improvements (should address some beginners onboarding documentation to get a newcomer started)

bs-github commented 1 year ago

The Wiki has it's own issue (see: #12), as well as the EVSE mockup module (see: #15) and the other topic is done. Closing.