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Can't ssh an idrac IP. Server racadm close the session. #2662

Open jbotello7381 opened 1 year ago

jbotello7381 commented 1 year ago

Discord username (optional)

No response

Describe the bug

It seems when connecting to an idrac IP via ssh, warp terminal send extra commands that racadm can't interpret and the server close the session. I don't have this problem with iterm2.

ssh -lroot
(root@ Password:

 help                 -- Display list of RACADM sub commands with help string
 help [subcommand]    -- display usage summary for a subcommand
 arp                  -- display the networking ARP table
 autoupdatescheduler  -- Automatic Platform Update of the devices on the server.
 bioscert             -- Secure Boot Certificate Management operations
 biosscan             -- Performs BIOS live scanning or creates a recurrent job for live scanning.
 clearasrscreen       -- clear the last ASR (crash) screen
 clearpending         -- clear pending attribute(s) value of a Device Class
 closessn             -- close a session
 clrsel               -- clear the System Event Log (SEL)
 cmreset              -- perform a Chassis Manager reset operation
 coredump             -- display the last RAC coredump
 coredumpdelete       -- delete the last RAC coredump
 driverpack           -- display driverpack info
 debug                -- Field Service Debug Authorization facility commands
 eventfilters         -- Alerts configuration commands
 exposeisminstallertohost -- Support Assist operations.
 fwupdate             -- update the RAC firmware
 get                  -- display RAC configuration properties
 gethostnetworkinterfaces -- Display host network interface details
 getled               -- Get the state of the LED on a module.
 getniccfg            -- display current network settings
 getraclog            -- display the RAC log
 getractime           -- display the current RAC time
 getremoteservicesstatus -- display remote services status
 getsel               -- display records from the System Event Log (SEL)
 getsensorinfo        -- display system sensors
 getssninfo           -- display session information
 getsvctag            -- display service tag information
 getsysinfo           -- display general RAC and system information
 gettracelog          -- display the RAC diagnostic trace log
 getuscversion        -- Deprecated: display the current USC version details
 getversion           -- display the current version details
 groupmanager         -- Groupmanager commands
 httpsbootcert        -- Bios HTTPS Boot Certificate Management operations
 ifconfig             -- display network interface information
 ilkm                 -- Commands for LKM support in iDRAC(iLKM).
 inlettemphistory     -- inlet temperature history operations
 idmconfig            -- modify RAC configuration properties through IDM
 license              -- License Manager commands
 lclog                -- LCLog operations
 frontpanelerror      -- hide LCD errors - color amber to blue
 netstat              -- display routing table and network statistics
 ping                 -- send ICMP echo packets on the network
 ping6                -- send ICMP echo packets on the network
 plugin               -- Plugin operations
 racdump              -- display RAC diagnostic information
 racreset             -- perform a RAC reset operation
 racresetcfg          -- restore the RAC configuration to factory defaults
 recover              -- Recover firmware to its previous version.
 remoteimage          -- make a remote ISO image available to the server
 rollback             -- Rollback firmware to its previous version.
 sekm                 -- SEKM commands
 serialcapture        -- Serial Data Capture Commands
 serveraction         -- perform system power management operations
 set                  -- modify RAC configuration properties
 setled               -- Set the state of the LED on a module.
 setniccfg            -- modify network configuration properties
 sshpkauth            -- manage SSH PK authentication keys on the RAC
 sslcertdelete        -- delete an SSL certificate on the iDRAC
 sslcertview          -- view SSL certificate information
 sslcsrgen            -- generate a certificate CSR from the RAC
 sslencryptionstrength -- Deprecated: Display or modify the SSL Encryption strength.
 sslresetcfg          -- Reset iDRAC to apply new certificate. Until iDRAC is reset old certificate will be active.
 supportassist        -- Support Assist operations.
 swinventory          -- Display the list of S/W Installed on the server.
 switchconnection     -- Display physical mapping of switch ports
 to server ports and iDRAC dedicated port
 systemerase          -- Performs system erase on a selected component.
 testemail            -- test RAC e-mail notifications
 testrsyslogconnection -- Display Testrsyslogconnection info.
 testtrap             -- test RAC SNMP trap notifications
 testalert            -- test RAC SNMP - FQDN trap notifications
 traceroute           -- print the route packets trace to network host
 traceroute6          -- print the route packets trace to network host
 techsupreport        -- Tech Support Report operations.
 usercertview         -- view user certificate information
 vflashpartition      -- manage partitions on the vFlash SD card
 vflashsd             -- perform vFlash SD Card initialization
 vmdisconnect         -- disconnect Virtual Media connections
 raid                 -- Monitoring and Inventory of H/W RAID connected to the server.
 storage              -- Monitoring and Inventory of H/W RAID connected to the server.
 hwinventory          -- Monitoring and Inventory of H/W NICs connected to the server.
 nicstatistics        -- Statistics for NICs connected to the server.
 infinibandstatistics -- Statistics for InfiniBand Devices connected to the server.
 fcstatistics         -- Statistics for FCs connected to the server.
 networktransceiverstatistics -- Statistics for NicTransceivers connected to the server.
 update               -- Platform Update of the devices on the server
 jobqueue             -- Jobqueue of of the jobs currently scheduled
 sensorsettings       -- Set the sensor threshold levels.
 diagnostics          -- Remote Diagnostic commands
 systemperfstatistics -- Display or Modify System Performance Statistics
 ackdriveremoval      -- Acknowledge the intentional drive removal and clear the amber state of chassis LED to healthy state


 BIOS                -- Configuration of BIOS attributes
 iDRAC               -- Configuration of iDRAC attributes
 LifecycleController -- Configuration of LifecycleController attributes
 Nic                 -- Configuration of NIC attributes
 Storage             -- Configuration of Storage attributes
 System              -- Configuration of System attributes
 FC                  -- Configuration of Fiber Channel attributes
 InfiniBand          -- Configuration of InfiniBand attributes
For Help on configuring the properties of a group - racadm help set


Connection to closed.

via iterm2

➜  Downloads ssh -lroot
(root@ Password:

To Reproduce

Just open warp, and ssh a idrac IP endpoint. This is dell server out of band interface.

Expected behaviour

I should get racadm>> prompt, which seems to happen, but i believe the racadm help is prompted because the extra commands that are send, and racadm doesn't understand and kick you out.


No response

Operating System


OS Version

13.0.1 (22A400)

Shell Version

zsh --version zsh 5.8.1 (arm-apple-darwin21.3.0) bash --version GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin22) Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Warp Version


Additional context

No response

Does this block you from using Warp daily?

Yes, this issue prevents me from using Warp daily.

Warp Internal (ignore): linear-label:b8107fdf-ba31-488d-b103-d271c89cac3e


dannyneira commented 1 year ago

Thanks for submitting @jbotello7381 , Sorry to hear about this idrac connection issue, we'll bring up with Engineering and post any updates/followup on this thread.

dannyneira commented 1 year ago

@jbotello7381 We suggest you explicitly use /usr/bin/ssh when connecting to a non-Bourne shell, or disable the SSH wrapper if that's too much of a hassle.
See more here: https://docs.warp.dev/features/ssh and here: https://docs.warp.dev/help/known-issues#ssh

We're working on supporting enabling/disabling the SSH wrapper on a per-host basis, but no ETA on that yet.