warpdotdev / Warp

Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
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Option to add own OpenAI API key #2788

Open Matthew-gn opened 1 year ago

Matthew-gn commented 1 year ago

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Describe the solution you'd like?

To have the option to the new Warp AI to add our own API Key and maybe options to tweak the settings like the temperature?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

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How important is this feature to you?

1 (Not too important)

Warp Internal (ignore) - linear-label:770f6576-d6c0-4e4f-a259-fc64b5156087


dannyneira commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this feature request! We plan to always keep a free plan in Warp with AI requests. Please have a look at our pricing page for the latest updates. https://www.warp.dev/pricing

Please 👍 and subscribe to this request as it helps us gauge interest. We will post any updates here.

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June 2024 Update:

mf-ms commented 1 year ago

@dannyneira While I can somewhat understand it from a business perspective, I think adoption could be higher if you allow individual users to use their own API keys. I'd be interested in this feature and even willing to pay to use it (within reason). Thanks!

numist commented 9 months ago

I already pay OpenAI for API access, seems best for all involved if Warp doesn't have to pay any vendors for my AI usage (and my limit goes from 100 to whatever my credit card can handle).

HerbWarren commented 9 months ago

Same boat -- I work for a company that's given developers like me API keys to use, and for personal reasons I have my own anyway. If there's an option to bring your own key, that'd be super-hot.

hekk-tatsukichi-yamashita commented 7 months ago

Considering its use in a business setting, it would be very helpful to have the flexibility to use customized Azure APIs.

Ciel-MC commented 6 months ago

Seconding this, I really, really want to avoid subscriptions if possible, Id be happy to even have an alternative credit system(of course the best case is if it doesn't have to reach out to Warp's server at all and makes the OpenAI call entirely locally, but has a lot of implications), one major reason would be that I would rarely need to use it. I understand that some people using it less is one of the reasons that subscriptions are profitable(and why every company is flocking towards it), but, at least personally speaking, unless there's something else that Id pay for a subscription anyway, I would never pay for subscription just for integrating AI into the terminal, especially when I already have OpenAI credits. This might be a boomer take, but I just want to buy my stuff and have it, damnit.

Sorry if this is a ramble, but I do like the idea of Warp a lot, but if Im going to use a proprietary terminal, it just has to be so, so, much better to be justified, and having to have a subscription for this is a dealbreaker.

ThinkFar commented 6 months ago

Please do this.

Flecart commented 6 months ago

Is this coming?

eighteyes commented 5 months ago

Ping, especially if you start to offer other models, the ability to use our own keys would be nice, for you especially since you're footing the AI bill.

YourTechBud commented 5 months ago

Maybe if we have support to override some additional parameters like the base url? That would be dope. We run our own open source models on a on-prem workstation. The server is openai compatible. Just need a way to change the base url option.

nyteshade commented 4 months ago

Companies that want to force using their AI intergration with a pay wall are missing out on the opportunity for a low cost subscription where users can bring their own LLM keys to the party.

For example you can either get 0 from me for this or 4.99 a month paid upfront once a year if I can provide my own keys that I also already pay for

Patcybermind commented 4 months ago

yeah i dont think a lot of people are gonna be paying for a warp subscription since its nothing a little google search and something like perplexity ai or You cant do

Flecart commented 4 months ago

Is this coming?

Patcybermind commented 4 months ago

Is it planned someday?

Flecart commented 4 months ago

Is it planned someday?

Hope they listen to us...

Lr-2002 commented 4 months ago

Yep, this will limited your company's income which is really terriable, But could we just share a mode with cheaper subscription which could give an interface to accept the personal api token ? I would pay for it for the most modern terminal i've used . It's really awesome to use warp terminial and it helps me a lot .Hoping for your reply

DanEdens commented 4 months ago

This new model totally ruins the magic for me. I'd have happily paid 5, and begrudged 10, but 22 is absurd. I can just use the chatgpt-cli and pipes for the same result..

There really needs to be a personal tier. Even calling it a team when I only intend for myself, feels like getting a veggie option and still having to pay for the meat

monkeyden commented 4 months ago

There is zero chance I am paying you to relay my prompts to OpenAI when I already subscribe to OpenAI. 😆

Patcybermind commented 4 months ago

yall do know that github copilot cli exists and its free for a lot of people

Patcybermind commented 4 months ago

we arent gonna pay 22 a month for some extra gimmicks

ShivamB25 commented 3 months ago

even a one time fees or yearly would have been fine with Bringing our own keys. Warp isn't so so truly open source.

Patcybermind commented 3 months ago

Its as open source as google chrome

holdjun commented 3 months ago

Please do this.

Mjb141 commented 3 months ago

Is this still not a thing? You're going to lose a ton of corporate potential clients if you don't allow us to bring our own API keys.

eighteyes commented 2 months ago

One Agent session eats up 1/8th of your AI credits for a month. No thanks, I'm going to find another terminal that doesn't ask me to subscribe to overpriced AI Arbitrage ( such a innovative biz model ) every time I use it. image

btw: I've been on iTerm's Patreon for years now, I support good dev tooling. They didn't do the best AI implementation, but at least it's bring your own key.

You know what I do with AI? I don't just let it run commands on the prompt, especially if it's a complex workflow. I save the steps in a text file so I know what I did and I can reproduce it later if need be. I'm already copying and pasting.

# is nice because it is non-intrusive, and 100 requests is fair ( 40 is annoying ). Agent is pushing it in our face and cluttering up the terminal with advertisements. Terminal is a sacred place between a person and machine, you just injected your business into it, and I'm removing your hotkey for that.

zsxkib commented 2 months ago

Is this a thing yet?

NebulusIO commented 2 months ago

If they don't then just wait for the hype to die down.

dolbyzerr commented 2 months ago

Well, it was nice while it lasted, I was contemplating to get a subscription. But 15$ (18$ monthly) per month? I would probably be ok with pay as you go (like 0.01$ per request).

Don't get me wrong, Warp is good product, I do understand that it's also a business, I am happy to support a good product but it has to be competitive and provide enough value for me (and it seems I am not alone in this).

Aaaand back to iTerm I go

nixolas1 commented 2 months ago

Was hyped when I tested out agent-mode today, with some advanced JQ JSON manipulation, but ran out of tokens before I could complete the task. But paying $15-20 for more than 2 AI tools a month is just not possible. Would have to switch out ChatGPT or Copilot with Warp, which is much more niche. Would love for you to find a product model that works for you, Warp Team, while still being attractive!

GGxsilverx commented 2 months ago

please consider doing this , we will eventually find a workaround for this if you don't , i know that you might thinking on have some monopoly around this feature or use it to train something , but believe me nobody was successful with such plans and you will be no exception and this might be a feature that some other product compete with you or you just simply loose your hype against some big names like iterm. but if you open this route you might get surprised by creativity and techniques people add to your platform.

xhlr8 commented 2 weeks ago

Given how old this issue is and that many relevant other posts have been made for this simple request, I doubt this development will ever bring their heads out of their *sses. An otherwise attractive product ruined by the priority need for a redundant business model.