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Support Warp for Linux on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) #4240

Open dannyneira opened 5 months ago

dannyneira commented 5 months ago

The issue for users to track and show support for running Warp for Linux on WSL.

To be clear, we are still working on making a native Warp for Windows (exe), which we will post about on #204 later this year so stay tuned!

We have a list of workarounds to issues running Linux here. If any of the workarounds help, please comment on https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp/issues/4513 with your Linux distro, installation (WSL, Baremetal or VM, x86 or ARM), the issue you had, the workaround that fixed it, and any other workarounds are not on the list.

How important is this feature to you?

Please add a 👍 to the original post at the top to signal that you want this feature, and subscribe if you'd like to be notified. We'll be posting updates on this thread (if/when this is being worked on).

Please avoid comments with spam-like "+1" or 👍 .

cj81499 commented 5 months ago

@dannyneira I think you meant to link to this issue from your comment on #204, but made a typo (and accidentally linked to #424).

dannyneira commented 5 months ago

@dannyneira I think you meant to link to this issue from your comment on #204, but made a typo (and accidentally linked to #424).

@cj81499 thanks for catching that, fixed!

JonParton commented 5 months ago

Just to share, I've actually had success this morning just installing the linux .deb in an ubuntu WSL2 on windows 11 that allows GUI apps. Install the .deb and then just launch warp from the windows start menu!

Pretty much everything seems to be working really well, you just need to make sure you have Firefox installed to allow you to log in etc and I had to use the copy auth code method rather then being automatically logged in as the referral back to warp didn't function with wsl2 in the way.

It's not a perfect experience as things like maximising the window don't really work and the start menu icon is just linux instead of indicating it is warp, but its already soooo much better then any other terminal experience so far 🙌 Kudos 🤜

p.s. I had happened to be trying Git Butler too and hence knowing to install Firefox etc. Some useful git-butler install instructions that ended up being helpful for warp!

S1monlol commented 5 months ago

Works decently on wsl2, but I can't resize or move the window at all besides clicking the fullscreen button, and once I fullscreen the window, I can't change it back to windowed again.

WilsonCazarre commented 5 months ago

Hi @JonParton. I tried earlier to run on wsl2, but I keep running into this error when trying to launch Warp. Any insight on how to work around it? image

Anidion commented 5 months ago

Same issue as @WilsonCazarre, this time on an NVIDIA GPU. Firefox works fine in GUI. image

Update: running it with the environment variable WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 opened the GUI, but now I'm having issues pasting the auth code in to activate, but that's a separate issue.

WilsonCazarre commented 5 months ago

@Anidion I forgot to mention that I'm also using an NVIDIA GPU (GTX 1050) but I think WSL is not detecting that, I'm not sure why.

iambj commented 5 months ago

I ended up with this command: WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 MESA_D3D12_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME=NVIDIA warp-terminal, and I get to the login screen but can't paste my token. However, it now detects my RTX 2070 Super. (source for the MESA variable: https://github.com/microsoft/wslg/wiki/GPU-selection-in-WSLg)

On a side note, I know this isn't the same issue, but I've been trying all day to get it to launch in my Ubuntu 20.04 VM (VMWare Player), and it launched with that command. I had tried with X11 and Wayland, and after both didn't work, I switched back to Wayland. On a whim, I tried the environment variable, and Warp launched.

bedesv commented 5 months ago

I've also got it running using WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal and am having trouble pasting my auth token. The Warp client says "An invalid auth token was entered into the modal. Not the first time? See our troubleshooting docs." I can paste the auth token into other WSL gui apps such as Firefox.

In the WSL terminal I can see that these events occur when I attempt to paste my auth token.

17:09:32 [INFO] dispatching typed action: PasteAuthUrl
17:09:32 [ERROR] Failed to parse AuthRedirectPayload from redirect URL: relative URL without a base

Any ideas on how to successfully login?

joanalexisc commented 5 months ago

I ended up with this command: WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 MESA_D3D12_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME=NVIDIA warp-terminal, and I get to the login screen but can't paste my token. However, it now detects my RTX 2070 Super. (source for the MESA variable: https://github.com/microsoft/wslg/wiki/GPU-selection-in-WSLg)

On a side note, I know this isn't the same issue, but I've been trying all day to get it to launch in my Ubuntu 20.04 VM (VMWare Player), and it launched with that command. I had tried with X11 and Wayland, and after both didn't work, I switched back to Wayland. On a whim, I tried the environment variable, and Warp launched.

same for me... in the console is throwing this message: Failed to parse AuthRedirectPayload from redirect URL: relative URL without a base

TechNerd8 commented 5 months ago

I've also got it running using WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal and am having trouble pasting my auth token. The Warp client says "An invalid auth token was entered into the modal. Not the first time? See our troubleshooting docs." I can paste the auth token into other WSL gui apps such as Firefox.

In the WSL terminal I can see that these events occur when I attempt to paste my auth token.

17:09:32 [INFO] dispatching typed action: PasteAuthUrl
17:09:32 [ERROR] Failed to parse AuthRedirectPayload from redirect URL: relative URL without a base

Any ideas on how to successfully login?

Looks like there are a few of us with this issue now. I'm in the same boat. I tried copying and pasting only specific sections of the full token length, but nothing has worked so far. Seems the parsing instructions aren't aligning with what the auth link actually spits out. I'll see if I can find where the faulty instructions are, unless one of the devs beats me to it (or identifies another issue I'm not considering).

bedesv commented 5 months ago

I’m away from my computer atm but I saw a few threads in the Warp Discord channel about both people successfully running Warp in WSL and other ways to pass the auth token into Warp. Haven’t got anything working yet

eglove commented 5 months ago

It's been awhile since I used warp because I don't use Linux. It is my favorite terminal though.

WSL support isn't terribly important. WSL virtual memory is too slow for things like simple web servers. So there's not much I'd ever use it for.

Definitely looking forward to the native windows support though. I'd love to get back to warp.

bedesv commented 5 months ago

@eglove I think the interest in Warp on WSL now is mostly Windows users wanting to use Warp now - at least that’s why I’m interested. I doubt that it’ll be a long term thing.

dangenendt commented 5 months ago

It's been awhile since I used warp because I don't use Linux. It is my favorite terminal though.

WSL support isn't terribly important. WSL virtual memory is too slow for things like simple web servers. So there's not much I'd ever use it for.

Definitely looking forward to the native windows support though. I'd love to get back to warp.

What?! Did you already used WSL2?! I'm just using everything within wsl without any memory issues. Docker (20 containers up and running), phpstorm, vscode + running bun dev server. Never had any issues with "slow memory"

TechNerd8 commented 5 months ago

I was able to find a workaround for the login issue! The "mimeapps.list" file was not getting updated with the custom x-scheme-handler entry for "warp://" files/URLs, so I added "x-scheme-handler/warp=dev.warp.Warp.desktop" to the end of that file (for me, located at ~/.config/mimeapps.list). Then, I updated the WSL's .desktop file database with the command "update-desktop-database", and finally I had to open a second WSL command line tab to use this command: "xdg-open [PASTE AUTH URL HERE]" on the command line once I got the auth url after logging in. Make sure you surround your URL with double quotes, and then go check your Warp terminal-- you should be successfully logged in!

(Not sure if it matters, but I just realized one of the first things I tried was to replace the "%U" with "%u" in the dev.warp.Warp.desktop file, and I forgot to change it back, so that may or may not have contributed to my success.)

hra42 commented 5 months ago

I got it working now! grafik

dangenendt commented 5 months ago

Just to share, I've actually had success this morning just installing the linux .deb in an ubuntu WSL2 on windows 11 that allows GUI apps. Install the .deb and then just launch warp from the windows start menu!

Pretty much everything seems to be working really well, you just need to make sure you have Firefox installed to allow you to log in etc and I had to use the copy auth code method rather then being automatically logged in as the referral back to warp didn't function with wsl2 in the way.

It's not a perfect experience as things like maximising the window don't really work and the start menu icon is just linux instead of indicating it is warp, but its already soooo much better then any other terminal experience so far 🙌 Kudos 🤜

p.s. I had happened to be trying Git Butler too and hence knowing to install Firefox etc. Some useful git-butler install instructions that ended up being helpful for warp!

This way i also got it working. Thats pretty Easy.

But as some other already mentioned, there are issues with window resizing and login-auth-token pasting stuff... I worked around it and now i can play around 😍 Thanks!

bedesv commented 5 months ago

I couldn't get the login working using @TechNerd8 method. Running the xdg-open command in a new terminal just opened a new Warp instance rather than logging in my open one.

I did find another workaround by using an AutoHotkey script to type in my auth token. Create a .ahk file with the script below, then open it in AutoHotkey. Then click in the auth token field and press Ctrl + 5, the token will be typed in. Finally, press enter and you will be logged in. You can then delete the .ahk file if desired.

    Send,warp://auth/<rest of token...>
JacobArrow commented 5 months ago


This way i also got it working. Thats pretty Easy.

  • Install .deb package in wsl
  • Open up windows host start menu
  • type in "warp"
  • start 😆

But as some other already mentioned, there are issues with window resizing and login-auth-token pasting stuff... I worked around it and now i can play around 😍 Thanks!

I also just tried this, but whenever I launch the app, it just crashes immediately...

nemolivier commented 5 months ago

Just adding the fact that it run on WSL2 arch on framework laptop 13. Running it with WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal worked here. Same issue as the others with resizing. Also, font of the interface are really small, can't find a way to change them.

ljtruong commented 5 months ago

I got warp terminal working on windows 11 using the suggested install. This uses window 11's GUI apps. reading

  1. Download warp .deb install from warp website https://app.warp.dev/download?package=deb
  2. Install within WSL
    sudo -i dpkg warp-terminal_<latest_version>_amd64.deb
  3. Then in windows start menu search for warp terminal

Notes: don't maximise window otherwise you might face resizing issues Other issues:

update: I can copy and paste using ctrl + shift + v

hra42 commented 5 months ago

funny enought: WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=0 warp-terminal works too :D

dangenendt commented 5 months ago


This way i also got it working. Thats pretty Easy.

  • Install .deb package in wsl
  • Open up windows host start menu
  • type in "warp"
  • start 😆

But as some other already mentioned, there are issues with window resizing and login-auth-token pasting stuff... I worked around it and now i can play around 😍 Thanks!

I also just tried this, but whenever I launch the app, it just crashes immediately...

Hmm... my wsl is probably differently configured. Do you have installed all x11 dependencies? In addition to that, on my host i have a running vcxserver. To get vcxserver working you need to set an env var "DISPLAY" in your terminal-config (eg. ~/.zshrc) # set DISPLAY variable to the IP automatically assigned to WSL2 export DISPLAY=$(awk '/^nameserver/ {print $2; exit;}' </etc/resolv.conf):0.0

Welding-Torch commented 5 months ago

It works! And that too with no setup 🎉 All I ran was sudo dpkg -i warp-terminal_<latest_version>_amd64.deb and boom! It's installed.

Welding-Torch commented 5 months ago

unable to copy and paste

@ljtruong Uh, copy and paste works. I didn't change any settings, it just works out of the box. Maybe try again?

khushnoodasif commented 5 months ago
  1. Still having issues with copy and paste.
  2. I am not able to open Warp via the shortcut in Windows start menu.
@echo off

Create a .bat file and edit via notepad and add the above code snippet and should be able to open warp with one click.

bedesv commented 5 months ago

@khushnoodas you can make the start menu shortcut work with these steps:

  1. Search for “warp” in the Windows start menu
  2. Click “open file location” (might have to right click on the Warp search result if using Windows 10)
  3. Right click and open “Properties” on the “Warp (Ubuntu)” shortcut in the File Explorer window that opens
  4. Edit the shortcut target to be <start of command…> WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal
    • You can also add the MESA_D3D12_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME=NVIDIA variable if needed too
  5. Click Apply
  6. Check it works by opening warp from the start menu
vorporeal commented 5 months ago

Hey all, sorry that there are issues with WSL but so happy to see y'all working together to try to fix things!

WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND is known to be unstable and buggy.

One major one, as most of you have run into: copy-paste is not working under native Wayland at the monment.

We're hoping to at least fix the copy-paste issue in the next couple days, and we're also hard at work on fixing all other issues with running Warp natively under Wayland so that it works for y'all out-of-the-box.

ljtruong commented 5 months ago

@Welding-Torch thank you. I didn't realise the copy and paste was ctrl+shift+V. I went into settings to change the default back to ctrl+C and ctrl + V for copy and paste.

grimwarden commented 5 months ago

I'm not having success so far with a fresh Ubuntu install. Launching warp from the start menu doesn't work. I have an i5 HP laptop with integrated graphics.

I did get this right after install but I'm not following what happened. Regenerating fonts cache... done. Setting up warp-terminal (0.2024. ... Processing triggers for man-db (2.10.2-1) ... Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.35-0ubuntu3.6) ... N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/home/grim/warp-terminal_0.2024.' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)

emadhajjar commented 5 months ago

I'm not having success so far with a fresh Ubuntu install. Launching warp from the start menu doesn't work. I have an i5 HP laptop with integrated graphics.

I did get this right after install but I'm not following what happened. Regenerating fonts cache... done. Setting up warp-terminal (0.2024. ... Processing triggers for man-db (2.10.2-1) ... Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.35-0ubuntu3.6) ... N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/home/grim/warp-terminal_0.2024.' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)

try run the following line sudo echo 'APT::Sandbox::User "root";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10sandbox then just install it again.

McNairy commented 5 months ago

@khushnoodas you can make the start menu shortcut work with these steps:

  1. Search for “warp” in the Windows start menu
  2. Click “open file location” (might have to right click on the Warp search result if using Windows 10)
  3. Right click and open “Properties” on the “Warp (Ubuntu)” shortcut in the File Explorer window that opens
  4. Edit the shortcut target to be <start of command…> WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal

    • You can also add the MESA_D3D12_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME=NVIDIA variable if needed too
  5. Click Apply
  6. Check it works by opening warp from the start menu

This got me up and running. After I installed Warp it would try and open and I would see winit apps on my task bar (Windows 11 Surface Book 3). I added the WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 and that fixed that so Warp would actually come up. But there were two of them and closing one would close both of them. Adding the MESA_D3D12_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME=NVIDIA fixed the second window opening and Warp seems to be working normally.

jeffrey-arndt commented 5 months ago

Yeah been trying this for a few hours

Always opens a momentary transparent window then crashes

14:59:05 [INFO] Enabled wgpu backends: Backends(VULKAN | GL | METAL | DX12 | DX11 | BROWSER_WEBGPU) 14:59:05 [INFO] Available wgpu adapters: 14:59:05 [INFO] Other: D3D12 (NVIDIA RTX A4000 Laptop GPU) 14:59:05 [INFO] Driver: Unknown 14:59:05 [ERROR] Failed to open window: No wgpu adapter was found

Update: had to install X11 on my WSL and its working with the above configs


Stelminator commented 5 months ago

In case anyone has run into something similar. I'm having some trouble getting libxcb-xkb1 libxkbcommon-x11-0 via sudo apt --fix-broken install. It seems to be in my resolver somewhere (i.e. unrelated). I was wondering if this dependency is expected.

Ubuntu 23.10 cat /etc/os-release ``` PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 23.10" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION_ID="23.10" VERSION="23.10 (Mantic Minotaur)" VERSION_CODENAME=mantic ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" UBUNTU_CODENAME=mantic LOGO=ubuntu-logo ```
sudo dpkg -i warp-terminal_0.2024. ``` Selecting previously unselected package warp-terminal. (Reading database ... 53585 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack warp-terminal_0.2024. ... Unpacking warp-terminal (0.2024. ... dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of warp-terminal: warp-terminal depends on libxkbcommon-x11-0; however: Package libxkbcommon-x11-0 is not installed. dpkg: error processing package warp-terminal (--install): dependency problems - leaving configured ```
Stelminator commented 5 months ago

I have a rather customized WSL Ubuntu install on Windows 11. By default, that means I may be missing things. Here's what I've had to run to get things to work.

sudo apt-get install firefox

This seemed necessary, from previous comments, for opening links inside the VM.

sudo apt-get install libxcb-xkb1 libxkbcommon-x11-0

Some dependency. That's probably enough if your resolver is working (mine wasn't), so I also ran these multiple times:

sudo apt --fix-missing install
sudo apt --fix-broken install
sudo apt-get clean

And a deb re-install somewhere in there:

sudo dpkg -i warp-terminal_0.2024.

sudo apt-get install --reinstall xdg-utils

This gave me access to xdg-open and friends, which seemed to make Firefox happier to try to open warp:// links with the system, but that didn't seem to get to Warp correctly.

Finally, I used the "copy auth token" link from the login page, then ran:

xdg-open 'warp://auth/desktop_redirect?refresh_token=[...snip...]'

Single quotes are recommended.

The Warp window I had opened finally did something other than show a login screen.

Dropping this here for reference and searchability. Hope it helps someone, even if that's just me from the future. I popped into Discord, but it seems focused on native Linux and isn't search-engine-friendly to the outside world.

Edited to add: Is the "copy auth token" link supposed to be a warp://... link? Pasting that into the box in the app gave me an error message. I couldn't tell if it was pasted correctly, but paste seemed to work in Firefox, so 🤷 .

jayrcodes commented 5 months ago

I tried it using WSL2 and its working. But the icons and cursor looks small and I can't find way to adjust it. Thoughts?

Warp terminal on WSL2

mbonaci commented 5 months ago

In my experience, making the Warp-for-Linux work smoothly on WSL is what the vast majority of your Windows users will actually need (not the Warp for Windows, i.e. making Warp run well on cmd or PowerShell).

I installed it using sudo dpkg -i downloaded-warp-linux-install-package.deb and the only thing I noticed doesn't work so far are "open commands" (e.g. middle-click a path to open a file or folder).

sharunkumar commented 5 months ago

Is there a way to set WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 when launching from the start menu? If I edit the shortcut, it seems like the changes are reverted.

Seems like updating the desktop entry at /usr/share/applications/dev.warp.Warp.desktop with Exec=env WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal %U seems to do the trick, but it feels like a hack, plus the changes could be lost when upgrading warp

Welding-Torch commented 5 months ago

I think @mbonaci makes a good point. There is a large population of developers who use Windows as their OS and WSL for anything development related. It gives them the best of both worlds. I think the Warp WSL implementation should get more attention from the warp devs.

Stelminator commented 5 months ago


Is there a way to set WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 when launching from the start menu? If I edit the shortcut, it seems like the changes are reverted.

Seems like updating the desktop entry at /usr/share/applications/dev.warp.Warp.desktop with Exec=env WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal %U seems to do the trick, but it feels like a hack, plus the changes could be lost when upgrading warp

echo -e "\n# Wayland support for Warp\nexport WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1\n" >> ~/.profile

Close out all sessions and start Warp again from the shortcut for it to take effect.


I think @mbonaci makes a good point. There is a large population of developers who use Windows as their OS and WSL for anything development related. It gives them the best of both worlds. I think the Warp WSL implementation should get more attention from the warp devs.

For a bunch of reasons, a native Windows GUI would be preferred. Along with Powershell support. I agree, for now, full support for Warp on Wayland on WSL2 would be pretty fantastic.

Lschulzes commented 5 months ago

@eglove I think the interest in Warp on WSL now is mostly Windows users wanting to use Warp now - at least that’s why I’m interested. I doubt that it’ll be a long term thing.

I develop on WSL, using the terminal a lot, so having it working for my sessions in WSL would be optimal

doxxx commented 5 months ago

Another not-working experience, which doesn't seem to match anybody else's experience here:

  1. I'm using a Dell Inspiron 5560 which has both Intel integrated graphics as well as nVidia discrete graphics.
  2. I can run X11 apps successfully.
  3. Installed Warp using apt install, which automatically installed libxcb-xkb1 and libxkbcommon-x11-0
  4. Executing warp-terminal with/without WARP_ENABLED_WAYLAND=1 doesn't make a difference

After launching warp-terminal from the shell command-line, I see a drop-shadow outline of the window appear but the inside is 100% transparent and I cannot interact with the window at all.

Logs 10:18:10 [INFO] Failed to forward startup args: unknown dbus error 10:18:10 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process... 10:18:10 [INFO] Running terminal server... 10:18:10 [WARN] Unable to fetch system color scheme: InputOutput( Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory", }, ) 10:18:10 [WARN] Failed to load font: Hack due to error Font family Hack does not contain any valid fonts 10:18:10 [ERROR] Failed to acquire default Secret Service collection: unknown error 10:18:10 [INFO] Failed to read User from secure storage NotFound 10:18:10 [INFO] Initializing crash reporting Some("stable_release") with tag "v0.2024."... 10:18:10 [INFO] Starting warp with channel state ChannelState { channel: Stable, app_id: AppId { qualifier: "dev", organization: "warp", application_name: "Warp" }, additional_features: {}, firebase_api_key: "AIzaSyBdy3O3S9hrdayLJxJ7mriBR4qgUaUygAs", server_root_url: "https://app.warp.dev", ws_server_url: "wss://rtc.app.warp.dev/graphql", session_sharing_server_url: Some("wss://session-sharing-server-o3mgmiurkq-uk.a.run.app"), segment_write_key: "sTT9ZajzIaQ0phzLFOnqZ6VOqplJTlaJ", segment_root_url: "https://api.segment.io", releases_base_url: "https://releases.warp.dev", sentry_url: "https://0195a81da0714f55a93ee4624825f9ec@o540343.ingest.sentry.io/5658526", logfile_name: "warp.log", show_autoupdate_menu_items: true, skip_login: false } and version Some("v0.2024.") 10:18:10 [INFO] Performance metrics collector started 10:18:10 [INFO] Initializing app services 10:18:10 [INFO] Start to flush telemetry events to Segment 10:18:10 [ERROR] Failed to initialize org.freedesktop.Application D-Bus service: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2): No such file or directory (os error 2) libEGL warning: failed to open /dev/dri/renderD128: Permission denied libEGL warning: failed to open /dev/dri/card0: Permission denied 10:18:10 [WARN] No config found! 10:18:10 [WARN] No config found! 10:18:10 [INFO] Connecting to SQLite database 10:18:10 [INFO] fetching team tester status 10:18:10 [INFO] Checking for update on channel stable_release. Update id is kCD5Fut 10:18:10 [INFO] Fetching channel versions (without changelogs) from Warp server 10:18:10 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:open_from_restored 10:18:10 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:open_new 10:18:10 [ERROR] Failed to connect to org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop D-Bus service and stream SettingChanged: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2) 10:18:10 [WARN] Encountered error while watching for network status events: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2) 10:18:10 [WARN] error getting team tester status: Failed to get access token for GraphQL request. Falling back to in-memory state. 10:18:10 [WARN] Encountered error while watching for system suspend/resume events: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2) 10:18:10 [WARN] XRandR reported that the display's 0mm in size, which is certifiably insane 10:18:10 [INFO] Guessed window scale factor: 1 libEGL warning: failed to open /dev/dri/renderD128: Permission denied libEGL warning: failed to open /dev/dri/card0: Permission denied 10:18:10 [WARN] No config found! 10:18:10 [WARN] No config found! 10:18:10 [INFO] Enabled wgpu backends: Backends(VULKAN | GL | METAL | DX12 | DX11 | BROWSER_WEBGPU) 10:18:10 [INFO] Available wgpu adapters: 10:18:10 [INFO] Cpu: llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits) 10:18:10 [INFO] Driver: llvmpipe (Mesa 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.2 (LLVM 15.0.7)) 10:18:10 [INFO] IntegratedGpu: D3D12 (Intel(R) UHD Graphics) 10:18:10 [INFO] Driver: Unknown 10:18:10 [INFO] Using Cpu (llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits)) for rendering new window. 10:18:10 [WARN] redraw_frame was called 2 times before the frame was drawn 10:18:10 [INFO] active window changed: Some(WindowId(0)) 10:18:10 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:update_quake_mode_state 10:18:10 [INFO] dispatching global action for workspace:save_app 10:18:10 [INFO] Flushed telemetry events. 10:18:10 [WARN] redraw_frame was called 4 times before the frame was drawn 10:18:10 [INFO] Received channel versions from Warp server: dev: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2023.") }, overrides: [] }; preview: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; canary: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2022.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; beta: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; stable: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2023.") }, overrides: [VersionOverride { predicate: TargetOS(Linux), version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None } }] } 10:18:10 [INFO] Detected that Warp was installed using Apt 10:18:10 [INFO] Update ready for channel version VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2023.") }
ayesparshh commented 5 months ago

can you please tell me how did you do it? I'm not able to start warp from start menu? Ig I'm missing on something please guide me

ayesparshh commented 5 months ago

I tried it using WSL2 and its working. But the icons and cursor looks small and I can't find way to adjust it. Thoughts?

Warp terminal on WSL2 Warp terminal on WSL2

Can you please I'm also trying it to open from start menu but It ain't responding? Ig I'm missing on something please help

RayyanNafees commented 5 months ago

Facing issue with hicolor-theme


carlosaya commented 5 months ago

anyone know what could possibly be wrong here? If I open from the start menu I just get a completely transparent window like this: image

running from the terminal gives me this...

$ warp-terminal
stdout is a tty true, in CI false.  using logfile: false
09:48:17 [INFO] Failed to forward startup args: unknown dbus error
09:48:17 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process...
09:48:17 [INFO] Running terminal server...

I am on a Dell Precision laptop which has both Intel and NVIDIA display adapters.

RayyanNafees commented 5 months ago

And this is what I am getting when running warp-terminal in WSL

❯ warp-terminal
stdout is a tty true, in CI false.  using logfile: false
07:07:42 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process...
07:07:42 [INFO] Running terminal server...
07:07:42 [WARN] Failed to load font: Hack due to error Font family Hack does not contain any valid fonts
07:07:42 [ERROR] Failed to acquire default Secret Service collection: unknown error
07:07:42 [INFO] Failed to read User from secure storage NotFound
07:07:42 [INFO] Initializing crash reporting Some("stable_release") with tag "v0.2024."...
07:07:42 [INFO] Starting warp with channel state ChannelState { channel: Stable, app_id: AppId { qualifier: "dev", organization: "warp", application_name: "Warp" }, additional_features: {}, firebase_api_key: "AIzaSyBdy3O3S9hrdayLJxJ7mriBR4qgUaUygAs", server_root_url: "https://app.warp.dev", ws_server_url: "wss://rtc.app.warp.dev/graphql", session_sharing_server_url: Some("wss://session-sharing-server-o3mgmiurkq-uk.a.run.app"), segment_write_key: "sTT9ZajzIaQ0phzLFOnqZ6VOqplJTlaJ", segment_root_url: "https://api.segment.io", releases_base_url: "https://releases.warp.dev", sentry_url: "https://0195a81da0714f55a93ee4624825f9ec@o540343.ingest.sentry.io/5658526", logfile_name: "warp.log", show_autoupdate_menu_items: true, skip_login: false } and version Some("v0.2024.")
07:07:42 [INFO] Start to flush telemetry events to Segment
07:07:42 [INFO] Performance metrics collector started
07:07:42 [INFO] Initializing app services
libEGL warning: failed to open /dev/dri/renderD128: Permission denied

07:07:44 [INFO] Flushed telemetry events.
07:07:44 [WARN] No config found!
07:07:44 [WARN] No config found!
07:07:44 [INFO] Connecting to SQLite database
07:07:44 [INFO] fetching team tester status
07:07:44 [INFO] Checking for update on channel stable_release. Update id is lY5mMeG
07:07:44 [INFO] Fetching channel versions (without changelogs) from Warp server
07:07:44 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:open_from_restored
07:07:44 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:open_new
07:07:44 [WARN] error getting team tester status: Failed to get access token for GraphQL request. Falling back to in-memory state.
07:07:44 [WARN] XRandR reported that the display's 0mm in size, which is certifiably insane
07:07:44 [INFO] Guessed window scale factor: 1
libEGL warning: failed to open /dev/dri/renderD128: Permission denied

07:07:45 [WARN] No config found!
07:07:45 [WARN] No config found!
07:07:45 [INFO] Received channel versions from Warp server: dev: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2023.") }, overrides: [] }; preview: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; canary: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2022.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; beta: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; stable: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2024.") }, overrides: [] }
07:07:45 [INFO] Enabled wgpu backends: Backends(VULKAN | GL | METAL | DX12 | DX11 | BROWSER_WEBGPU)
07:07:45 [INFO] Available wgpu adapters:
07:07:45 [INFO] Other: D3D12 (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics)
07:07:45 [INFO]         Driver: Unknown
07:07:45 [ERROR] Failed to open window: No wgpu adapter was found
07:07:45 [INFO] No update available
07:07:45 [WARN] Redraw requested for a window for which we have no state
07:07:45 [WARN] Redraw requested for a window for which we have no state
07:07:45 [INFO] application will terminate
07:07:45 [INFO] Shutting down SQLite writer thread
07:07:45 [INFO] Shut down SQLite writer in 3.199667ms
07:07:45 [INFO] Writing queued events to disk because telemetry is enabled.
07:07:45 [INFO] Successfully wrote telemetry events to disk
07:07:45 [INFO] Tearing down app services...
RayyanNafees commented 5 months ago

And when running sudo warp-terminal i get a bigger error in WSL Ubuntu

❯ sudo warp-terminal
[sudo] password for markus:
stdout is a tty true, in CI false.  using logfile: false
07:09:09 [INFO] Failed to forward startup args: unknown dbus error
07:09:09 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process...
07:09:09 [INFO] Running terminal server...
07:09:09 [WARN] Unable to fetch system color scheme: InputOutput(
    Os {
        code: 2,
        kind: NotFound,
        message: "No such file or directory",
07:09:09 [WARN] Failed to load font: Hack due to error Font family Hack does not contain any valid fonts
07:09:09 [ERROR] Failed to acquire default Secret Service collection: unknown error
07:09:09 [INFO] Failed to read User from secure storage NotFound
07:09:09 [INFO] Initializing crash reporting Some("stable_release") with tag "v0.2024."...
07:09:09 [ERROR] Exited network logging task due to error opening logfile: No such file or directory (os error 2)
07:09:09 [INFO] Starting warp with channel state ChannelState { channel: Stable, app_id: AppId { qualifier: "dev", organization: "warp", application_name: "Warp" }, additional_features: {}, firebase_api_key: "AIzaSyBdy3O3S9hrdayLJxJ7mriBR4qgUaUygAs", server_root_url: "https://app.warp.dev", ws_server_url: "wss://rtc.app.warp.dev/graphql", session_sharing_server_url: Some("wss://session-sharing-server-o3mgmiurkq-uk.a.run.app"), segment_write_key: "sTT9ZajzIaQ0phzLFOnqZ6VOqplJTlaJ", segment_root_url: "https://api.segment.io", releases_base_url: "https://releases.warp.dev", sentry_url: "https://0195a81da0714f55a93ee4624825f9ec@o540343.ingest.sentry.io/5658526", logfile_name: "warp.log", show_autoupdate_menu_items: true, skip_login: false } and version Some("v0.2024.")
07:09:09 [INFO] Start to flush telemetry events to Segment
07:09:09 [INFO] Performance metrics collector started
07:09:09 [INFO] Initializing app services
07:09:09 [ERROR] Failed to initialize org.freedesktop.Application D-Bus service: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2): No such file or directory (os error 2)
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open vgem: /usr/lib/dri/vgem_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

07:09:10 [WARN] No config found!
07:09:10 [WARN] No config found!
07:09:10 [INFO] Connecting to SQLite database
07:09:11 [INFO] fetching team tester status
07:09:11 [INFO] Checking for update on channel stable_release. Update id is LSxsOzs
07:09:11 [INFO] Fetching channel versions (without changelogs) from Warp server
07:09:11 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:open_from_restored
07:09:11 [INFO] dispatching global action for root_view:open_new
07:09:11 [INFO] Shortcut visibility does not yet exist in user defaults. Writing default shortcut visibility into user defaults...
07:09:11 [ERROR] Failed to connect to org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop D-Bus service and stream SettingChanged: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
07:09:11 [WARN] error getting team tester status: Failed to get access token for GraphQL request. Falling back to in-memory state.
07:09:11 [WARN] XRandR reported that the display's 0mm in size, which is certifiably insane
07:09:11 [INFO] Guessed window scale factor: 1
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open vgem: /usr/lib/dri/vgem_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

07:09:11 [INFO] Flushed telemetry events.
07:09:11 [WARN] No config found!
07:09:11 [WARN] No config found!
07:09:11 [INFO] Enabled wgpu backends: Backends(VULKAN | GL | METAL | DX12 | DX11 | BROWSER_WEBGPU)
07:09:11 [INFO] Available wgpu adapters:
07:09:11 [INFO] Other: D3D12 (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics)
07:09:11 [INFO]         Driver: Unknown
07:09:11 [INFO] Received channel versions from Warp server: dev: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2023.") }, overrides: [] }; preview: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; canary: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2022.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; beta: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: None }, overrides: [] }; stable: ChannelVersion { version_info: VersionInfo { version: "v0.2024.", update_by: None, soft_cutoff: Some("v0.2024.") }, overrides: [] }
07:09:11 [ERROR] Failed to open window: No wgpu adapter was found
07:09:11 [INFO] No update available
07:09:11 [WARN] Redraw requested for a window for which we have no state
07:09:11 [WARN] Redraw requested for a window for which we have no state
07:09:11 [INFO] application will terminate
07:09:11 [INFO] Shutting down SQLite writer thread
07:09:11 [INFO] Shut down SQLite writer in 1.022788ms
07:09:11 [INFO] Writing queued events to disk because telemetry is enabled.
07:09:11 [INFO] Successfully wrote telemetry events to disk
07:09:11 [INFO] Tearing down app services...
07:09:11 [INFO] Received empty message; assuming the connection has been closed.
sharunkumar commented 5 months ago

anyone know what could possibly be wrong here? If I open from the start menu I just get a completely transparent window like this: image

running from the terminal gives me this...

$ warp-terminal
stdout is a tty true, in CI false.  using logfile: false
09:48:17 [INFO] Failed to forward startup args: unknown dbus error
09:48:17 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process...
09:48:17 [INFO] Running terminal server...

I am on a Dell Precision laptop which has both Intel and NVIDIA display adapters.

@carlosaya @RayyanNafees try running: WARP_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 warp-terminal

if that works for you, then you can set it up in you ~/.profile - refer https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp/issues/4240#issuecomment-1963333613