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SSH into Linux system enabled 2FA using DUO #4792

Open sonricks01 opened 5 months ago

sonricks01 commented 5 months ago

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Warp Version


I have tried commenting out my system & user rcfiles and warp still will not bootstrap


When I ssh into linux Debian 11, hat has TFA configured it send the approval request to my mobile DUO app, then I accepted but the problems is that ti keep asking for approval over and over on my DUO APP. FYI If I try from ohter terminal instead it works fine. . I took some screen capture on my duo app, as I mentioned I can ssh but on the DUO it keeps asking for approval until I have to log out from the system

IMG_2924 IMG_2925

Include shell xtrace output

No able to ge output

Does this block you from using Warp daily?

Yes, this issue prevents me from using Warp daily.

Is this a Warp specific issue? (i.e. does it happen in Terminal, iTerm, Kitty, etc.)

Yes, this I confirmed this only happens in Warp, not other terminals.

Warp Internal (ignore) - linear-label:e7dfaa84-5fdb-4a00-b754-d8912da923fa


Warp Internal (ignore): linear-label:b8107fdf-ba31-488d-b103-d271c89cac3e


rudiduc commented 5 months ago

I have the same issue. Looks like warp bootstrap code is doing something funny. Easy to test. Sign up to free Duo Security account. Configure ssh login as per https://duo.com/docs/loginduo and then test by logging in through warp.

jfmcdonald commented 4 months ago

I'm seeing the same behavior, NixOS, Warp build: v0.2024.

FoggyMtnDrifter commented 3 months ago

Seeing the same behavior here, as well. This prevents me from using Warp for work, unfortunately.

dannyneira commented 2 months ago

Warp has an SSH Wrapper that enables features (like the blocks, prompt, completions, etc.) on remote machines requiring the default prompt on the remote machine to be either bash or zsh. My guess is dup breaks the bootstraping for ssh sessions.

As a workaround you can add command ssh to your Settings > Subshells > Added commands menu, then run command ssh <user@server> to connect to remote session, this will attempt to enable Warp features as a subshell.

You can also try disabling the SSH Wrapper by navigating to Settings > Features. Blocks will stop working but with it disabling, SSH should work as normal.

Related docs: https://docs.warp.dev/features/ssh https://docs.warp.dev/features/subshells

If those don't work, please let us know.

um-jglad commented 1 month ago

I have to use command ssh for almost all my servers at work. Instead of typing command ssh servername every time, I added 2 commands to the Settings > Subshells > Added Commands menu:

You can make this second command whatever makes the most sense to you. Then I added an alias in my .zshrc (on macOS) of alias wsh="command ssh".

Now I can just do wsh servername, take care of any DUO prompt, and then Ctrl + I to 'warpify'. If you plan on doing any sudo su type work, just run the warpify shortcut after. 👍🏻