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Error when trying to deactivate virtualenv on Fish. #4890

Open wonjoonSeol-WS opened 7 months ago

wonjoonSeol-WS commented 7 months ago

Dupe Check

Describe the bug


which python3
Python 3.12.3
fish -version
fish, version 3.7.1

Deactivating the virtualenv shows the error. And this error will show for any commands until the current shell is closed.

Settings/Appearance Prompt -> choosing shell prompt (PS1) makes no difference. Other terminal has no issues.

Many thanks in advance!

To reproduce

Expected behavior

Should not have _old_fish_prompt errors.

Operating system


Operating system and version

Mac 13.4.1

Shell Version

fish 3.7.1

Current Warp version



No, this bug or issue has existed throughout my experience using Warp

Recent working Warp date

No response

Additional context

No response

Does this block you from using Warp daily?


Is this a Warp specific issue? (i.e. does it happen in Terminal, iTerm, Kitty, etc.)

Yes, this I confirmed this only happens in Warp, not other terminals.

Warp Internal (ignore): linear-label:b9d78064-c89e-4973-b153-5178a31ee54e


dannyneira commented 7 months ago

My guess is that you have a custom prompt or fish plugin and Warp is unable to parse it.

You can check whether it’s something in your dotfiles by commenting on your config.fish or disable parts of your dotfiles just for Warp by using this conditional statement:

# Fish
if test "$TERM_PROGRAM" != "WarpTerminal"
# > What you want to disable here <

We have a list of incompatible tools here: https://docs.warp.dev/help/known-issues#list-of-incompatible-tools And more info on custom prompts here: https://docs.warp.dev/features/prompt

wonjoonSeol-WS commented 7 months ago

Hello dannyneira,

I am afraid the issue still persists even after i comment out everything in ~/.config/fish/config.fish. and removing all plugins.


After removing all plugins and commenting out config.


Please note that the issue doesn't happen when the default shell is zsh and opening subshell by typing 'fish'. The issue only happens when I set fish as default shell. (After typing chsh -s $(which fish))

dannyneira commented 7 months ago

Oh I see, I'm having trouble reproducing this issue, even with an empty fish config and settings fish as default shell as well.

CleanShot 2024-05-09 at 15 19 35

Can you please try putting the result of which fish into your Settings > Features > Session > Startup shell for new sessions > Custom, then open a new session and activate/deactivate again to see if that helps?

If not, please delete the logs, then post the logs for when you run the activate/deactivate a few times. This could help us see where the script is failing on your end. https://docs.warp.dev/help/sending-us-feedback#gathering-warp-logs

wonjoonSeol-WS commented 7 months ago

Hello, thank you for your message. Unfortunately, i am not seeing any error message on ~/Library/Logs/warp.log.


Warp’s logs do not contain any console input or output.


I think it is because Warp itself isn't crashing but the code that wraps fish crashes fish?

fish: Unknown command: _old_fish_prompt
in command substitution
in function '_warp_prompt'
    called on line 1 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpXdNHiN
in command substitution
    called on line 120 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpXdNHiN
in function 'warp_precmd'
in event handler: handler for generic event 'fish_prompt'
fish: Unknown command
        set -l prompt (_old_fish_prompt)
in function '_warp_prompt'
    called on line 1 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpXdNHiN
in command substitution
    called on line 120 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpXdNHiN
in function 'warp_precmd'
in event handler: handler for generic event 'fish_prompt'

This is all i am getting right now


So this if statement in the activate.fish is problematic

    # Copy the current `fish_prompt` function as `_old_fish_prompt`.
    functions -c fish_prompt _old_fish_prompt

    function fish_prompt
        # Run the user's prompt first; it might depend on (pipe)status.
        set -l prompt (_old_fish_prompt) # <- ISSUE HERE

        printf '(%s) ' $VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT

        string join -- \n $prompt # handle multi-line prompts


so by setting


I can avoid the issue from happening but this is still quite strange.

Also, When i use Warp prompt, I am still getting pythonvirtualenv prompt despite setting VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT = 1, so that function part in activate.fish is completely unnecessary when it comes to Warp.

alokedesai commented 6 months ago

Hey @wonjoonSeol-WS, what version of venv are you using? Does the issue still repro if you upgrade venv? https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1991 makes me think this is actually a venv issue, not a Warp issue.

alokedesai commented 6 months ago

@wonjoonSeol-WS Ping on this, would you mind checking if this repros on a newer version of venv?

wonjoonSeol-WS commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the ping alokedesai!

I am using poetry to manage my virtual environment.

Use currently activated Python version to create a new virtual environment. If set to false, Python version used during Poetry installation is used.


poetry by default uses Python version used during Poetry installation, which in my case was python3.10

I noticed that the system level virtualenv is not working as intended due to broken symlink, after installing newer python version via brew:

virtualenv --version
exec: Failed to execute process '/Users/.../.local/bin/virtualenv': The file specified the interpreter '/Users/.../.local/pipx/venvs/virtualenv/bin/python', which is not an executable command.

'/Users/.../.local/pipx/venvs/virtualenv/bin/python' is a broken symbolic link to 'python3.10'
pipx list
venvs are in /Users/../.local/pipx/venvs
apps are exposed on your $PATH at /Users/.../.local/bin
manual pages are exposed at /Users/.../.local/share/man
⚠️  package pdm has invalid interpreter /opt/homebrew/Cellar/pipx/1.0.0/libexec/bin/python3.10
⚠️  package virtualenv has invalid interpreter /opt/homebrew/Cellar/pipx/1.0.0/libexec/bin/python3.10
   package virtualenvwrapper has invalid interpreter /opt/homebrew/Cellar/pipx/1.0.0/libexec/bin/pytho⚠️3.10

One or more packages have a missing python interpreter.
    To fix, execute: pipx reinstall-all

After running command pipx reinstall-all and / or setting poetry config virtualenvs.prefer-active-python still reproduces the issue unfortunately when i set -e VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT

current working virtualenv version:

virtualenv --version
virtualenv 20.26.2 from /Users/.../.local/pipx/venvs/virtualenv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/virtualenv/__init__.py

Issue still reproduces when I recreate the whole env using the latest virtualenv:

> rm -rf .venv
> poetry install --sync --no-root

> source .venv/bin/activate.fish
> python --version
Python 3.12.3

> deactivate

fish: Unknown command: _old_fish_prompt
in command substitution
in function '_warp_prompt'
    called on line 1 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpditgJK
in command substitution
    called on line 120 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpditgJK
in function 'warp_precmd'
in event handler: handler for generic event 'fish_prompt'
fish: Unknown command
        set -l prompt (_old_fish_prompt)
in function '_warp_prompt'
    called on line 1 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpditgJK
in command substitution
    called on line 120 of file /var/folders/56/f04gtv6x1mvc_mqn0c4n2nz4msr0jz/T/.tmpditgJK
in function 'warp_precmd'
in event handler: handler for generic event 'fish_prompt'
alokedesai commented 6 months ago

Could you share the entire contents of activate.fish?

wonjoonSeol-WS commented 6 months ago

Hello, this is the entire contents of activate.fish. 😄

> cat .venv/bin/activate.fish

# This file must be used using `source bin/activate.fish` *within a running fish ( http://fishshell.com ) session*.
# Do not run it directly.

function _bashify_path -d "Converts a fish path to something bash can recognize"
    set fishy_path $argv
    set bashy_path $fishy_path[1]
    for path_part in $fishy_path[2..-1]
        set bashy_path "$bashy_path:$path_part"
    echo $bashy_path

function _fishify_path -d "Converts a bash path to something fish can recognize"
    echo $argv | tr ':' '\n'

function deactivate -d 'Exit virtualenv mode and return to the normal environment.'
    # reset old environment variables
    if test -n "$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH"
        # https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/436 altered PATH handling
        if test (echo $FISH_VERSION | head -c 1) -lt 3
            set -gx PATH (_fishify_path "$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH")
            set -gx PATH $_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
        set -e _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH

    if test -n "$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME"

    if test -n "$_OLD_FISH_PROMPT_OVERRIDE"
       and functions -q _old_fish_prompt
        # Set an empty local `$fish_function_path` to allow the removal of `fish_prompt` using `functions -e`.
        set -l fish_function_path

        # Erase virtualenv's `fish_prompt` and restore the original.
        functions -e fish_prompt
        functions -c _old_fish_prompt fish_prompt
        functions -e _old_fish_prompt

    set -e VIRTUAL_ENV

    if test "$argv[1]" != 'nondestructive'
        # Self-destruct!
        functions -e pydoc
        functions -e deactivate
        functions -e _bashify_path
        functions -e _fishify_path

# Unset irrelevant variables.
deactivate nondestructive

set -gx VIRTUAL_ENV '/Users/.../workspace/.venv'

# https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/436 altered PATH handling
if test (echo $FISH_VERSION | head -c 1) -lt 3
   set -gx _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (_bashify_path $PATH)
set -gx PATH "$VIRTUAL_ENV"'/bin' $PATH

# Prompt override provided?
# If not, just use the environment name.
if test -n 'venv-name-py3.12'
    set -gx VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT 'venv-name-py3.12'
    set -gx VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV")

# Unset `$PYTHONHOME` if set.
if set -q PYTHONHOME
    set -e PYTHONHOME

function pydoc
    python -m pydoc $argv

    # Copy the current `fish_prompt` function as `_old_fish_prompt`.
    functions -c fish_prompt _old_fish_prompt

    function fish_prompt
        # Run the user's prompt first; it might depend on (pipe)status.
        set -l prompt (_old_fish_prompt)

        printf '(%s) ' $VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT

        string join -- \n $prompt # handle multi-line prompts

Buzzkill-McSquare commented 5 months ago

I was also experiencing this issue and setting that environment variable resolved it for me. Another resolution was to use the default Warp prompt as opposed to the Shell prompt (PS1).

wonjoonSeol-WS commented 5 months ago

Settings/Appearance Prompt -> choosing shell prompt (PS1) makes no difference in my case. (Tested on May 8th https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp/issues/4890#issue-2284445602).

But yeah at least VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT env method works.