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Custom context chips #5084

Open agluck91 opened 2 days ago

agluck91 commented 2 days ago

Dupe Check

Describe the solution you'd like?

I would like the ability to add my own chips, or at least have more chips available.

I would love to see, tf, pulumi stack, node, and rust added to the list. Starship does this well.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

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How important is this feature to you?


Warp Internal (ignore) - linear-label:39cc6478-1249-4ee7-950b-c428edfeecd1


agluck91 commented 2 days ago

Just want to mention I love the pills combined with the SSH agent, simply awesome.

dannyneira commented 1 day ago

Thanks for this feature request! We'd ultimately like to open up a way for custom or 3rd party context chips (pills). As a stopgap to this feature, Warp does support starship and other custom prompts listed here.

To anyone else interested in this feature, please add a 👍 to the original post at the top to signal that you want this feature, and subscribe if you'd like to be notified.

agluck91 commented 1 day ago

Thank you, I do have starship. It is not as good because it does not carry the prompt upstream to ssh client. You all knocked it out of the park.

Logging into my K8s master and instantly seeing my context AS I am typing command. Instead of it always cluttering my shell. Wow!!

Can you all do something similar for pulumi, when I start typing my pulumi command I would see the stack I am targeting?

Would love to see what AWS profile I have set too. This would be really helpful. I change the profile by setting AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE. This should always be shown because some tools use the AWS config that is loaded. Like pulumi for instance and bash scripts ect

node, python, rust should all be triggered by directory. For instance My node version is set per directory with Volta. You already have pyenv.

agluck91 commented 1 day ago

I think I read that warp was thinking of going open source. Would definitely comtribute to this feature myself.