warpdotdev / Warp

Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
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Fallback shell #5245

Open warmingking opened 1 month ago

warmingking commented 1 month ago

Dupe Check

Describe the bug

I use wsl2 and nixos with flake. warp-terminal panic when startup

To reproduce

I have only one device

But debian distro wsl2 work fine on same laptop.

Expected behavior

No response


/nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024. /nix/store/n6sn7yf3kkc0hh463w74gi6lj51p3cdc-curl-8.9.0/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024.
/nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024. /nix/store/n6sn7yf3kkc0hh463w74gi6lj51p3cdc-curl-8.9.0/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024.
13:20:45 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process...
/nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024. /nix/store/n6sn7yf3kkc0hh463w74gi6lj51p3cdc-curl-8.9.0/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024.
13:20:45 [INFO] Running terminal server...
13:20:45 [WARN] Tried to initialize the wayland data control protocol clipboard, but failed. Falling back to the X11 clipboard protocol. The error was: Unknown error while interacting with the clipboard: A required Wayland protocol (zwlr_data_control_manager_v1 version 1) is not supported by the compositor
13:20:45 [INFO] Running app with windowing system: Wayland
13:20:45 [WARN] Unable to fetch Linux system color scheme: FDO(
        "The name org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop was not provided by any .service files",
13:20:45 [ERROR] Failed to acquire default Secret Service collection: unknown error
13:20:45 [INFO] Failed to read User from secure storage NotFound
13:20:45 [INFO] Initializing crash reporting Some("linux_stable_release") with tag "v0.2024."...
13:20:45 [INFO] Starting warp with channel state ChannelState { channel: Stable, app_id: AppId { qualifier: "dev", organization: "warp", application_name: "Warp" }, additional_features: {}, firebase_api_key: "AIzaSyBdy3O3S9hrdayLJxJ7mriBR4qgUaUygAs", server_root_url: "https://app.warp.dev", ws_server_url: "wss://rtc.app.warp.dev/graphql", session_sharing_server_url: Some("wss://sessions.app.warp.dev"), rudderstack_write_key: "2iyG8S1RaV4XTX6SEypetFSEbLK", rudderstack_root_url: "https://warpianwzlfqdq.dataplane.rudderstack.com", releases_base_url: "https://releases.warp.dev", sentry_url: "https://0195a81da0714f55a93ee4624825f9ec@o540343.ingest.sentry.io/5658526", logfile_name: "warp.log", show_autoupdate_menu_items: true } and version Some("v0.2024.")
13:20:45 [INFO] Start to send telemetry events to RudderStack
13:20:45 [INFO] Performance metrics collector started
13:20:45 [INFO] Initializing app services
13:20:45 [INFO] Start to send telemetry events to RudderStack
MESA: error: ZINK: failed to choose pdev
libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
13:20:45 [INFO] Connecting to SQLite database
13:20:45 [INFO] fetching team tester status
thread 'main' panicked at app/src/terminal/local_tty/shell.rs:165:21:
Did not find valid binaries when attempting to load fallback shell (not bash, fish, or zsh).
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
13:20:45 [INFO] Shutting down SQLite writer thread
13:20:45 [INFO] Shut down SQLite writer in 5.34887ms

Operating system


Operating system and version

NixOS 24.05 (Uakari)

Shell Version

nu 0.96.1(default); bash 5.2.26(1)-release

Current Warp version



Yes, this bug started recently or with an X Warp version

Recent working Warp date

No response

Additional context

No response

Does this block you from using Warp daily?


Is this an issue only in Warp?

Yes, I confirmed that this only happens in Warp, not other terminals.

Warp Internal (ignore): linear-label:b9d78064-c89e-4973-b153-5178a31ee54e


dannyneira commented 1 month ago

Hi @warmingking thanks for letting us know. I suspect that nixos may be missing some of the dependencies for mesa. Try something like nix-env -iA nixos.mesa_drivers on the nixos wsl2 instance to see if it helps, if not then run warp in debug mode and provide the logs.

RUST_LOG=wgpu_core=info,wgpu_hal=info MESA_DEBUG=1 EGL_LOG_LEVEL=debug warp-terminal | tee ~/warp.log
warmingking commented 1 month ago

Hi @warmingking thanks for letting us know. I suspect that nixos may be missing some of the dependencies for mesa. Try something like nix-env -iA nixos.mesa_drivers on the nixos wsl2 instance to see if it helps, if not then run warp in debug mode and provide the logs.

RUST_LOG=wgpu_core=info,wgpu_hal=info MESA_DEBUG=1 EGL_LOG_LEVEL=debug warp-terminal | tee ~/warp.log

@dannyneira Thank you for your suggestion.

Nixos 24.05 has no mesa_drives and I tried to install mesa, but it doesn't work.

Debug log shows this.

/nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024. /nix/store/n6sn7yf3kkc0hh463w74gi6lj51p3cdc-curl-8.9.0/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024.
/nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024. /nix/store/n6sn7yf3kkc0hh463w74gi6lj51p3cdc-curl-8.9.0/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024.
18:56:48 [INFO] Spawning terminal server process...
/nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024. /nix/store/n6sn7yf3kkc0hh463w74gi6lj51p3cdc-curl-8.9.0/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /nix/store/5rsnm36sda85mkv2vjrwg6kx4hb1n362-warp-terminal-0.2024.
18:56:48 [INFO] Running terminal server...
18:56:48 [WARN] Tried to initialize the wayland data control protocol clipboard, but failed. Falling back to the X11 clipboard protocol. The error was: Unknown error while interacting with the clipboard: A required Wayland protocol (zwlr_data_control_manager_v1 version 1) is not supported by the compositor
18:56:48 [INFO] Running app with windowing system: Wayland
18:56:48 [WARN] Unable to fetch Linux system color scheme: FDO(
        "The name org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop was not provided by any .service files",
18:56:48 [ERROR] Failed to acquire default Secret Service collection: unknown error
18:56:48 [INFO] Failed to read User from secure storage NotFound
18:56:48 [INFO] Initializing crash reporting Some("linux_stable_release") with tag "v0.2024."...
18:56:48 [INFO] Starting warp with channel state ChannelState { channel: Stable, app_id: AppId { qualifier: "dev", organization: "warp", application_name: "Warp" }, additional_features: {}, firebase_api_key: "AIzaSyBdy3O3S9hrdayLJxJ7mriBR4qgUaUygAs", server_root_url: "https://app.warp.dev", ws_server_url: "wss://rtc.app.warp.dev/graphql", session_sharing_server_url: Some("wss://sessions.app.warp.dev"), rudderstack_write_key: "2iyG8S1RaV4XTX6SEypetFSEbLK", rudderstack_root_url: "https://warpianwzlfqdq.dataplane.rudderstack.com", releases_base_url: "https://releases.warp.dev", sentry_url: "https://0195a81da0714f55a93ee4624825f9ec@o540343.ingest.sentry.io/5658526", logfile_name: "warp.log", show_autoupdate_menu_items: true } and version Some("v0.2024.")
18:56:48 [INFO] Start to send telemetry events to RudderStack
18:56:48 [INFO] Performance metrics collector started
18:56:48 [INFO] Start to send telemetry events to RudderStack
18:56:48 [INFO] Initializing app services
18:56:48 [INFO] Debug utils not enabled: debug_utils_user_data not passed to Instance::from_raw
18:56:48 [INFO] Using Wayland platform
libEGL debug: MESA-LOADER: dlopen(/run/opengl-driver/lib/dri/zink_dri.so)

MESA: error: ZINK: failed to choose pdev
libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
libEGL debug: MESA-LOADER: dlopen(/run/opengl-driver/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so)

libEGL debug: did not find extension DRI2_BufferDamage version 1

libEGL debug: did not find extension DRI2_Interop version 1

libEGL debug: did not find extension DRI2_Blob version 1

libEGL debug: did not find extension DRI_MutableRenderBufferDriver version 1

libEGL debug: did not find extension DRI_Kopper version 1

libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format ABGR16F
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format XBGR16F
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format XRGB2101010
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format ARGB2101010
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format XBGR2101010
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format ABGR2101010
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format ABGR8888
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format XBGR8888
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format ARGB1555
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format XRGB1555
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format ARGB4444
libEGL debug: No DRI config supports native format XRGB4444
libEGL debug: ---------------
libEGL debug: Configurations:
libEGL debug: cho       bf lv colourbuffer dp st  ms           vis  cav  bi     renderable           supported
libEGL debug: sen    id sz  l  r  g  b  a  th cl ns b           id  eat  nd  gl es es2 es3 vg         surfaces
libEGL debug: ---------------
libEGL debug:   0 0x001 32  0  8  8  8  8   0  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x002 32  0  8  8  8  8  16  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x003 32  0  8  8  8  8  24  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x004 32  0  8  8  8  8  24  8  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x005 32  0  8  8  8  8  32  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x006 32  0  8  8  8  8   0  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x007 32  0  8  8  8  8  16  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x008 32  0  8  8  8  8  24  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x009 32  0  8  8  8  8  24  8  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x00a 32  0  8  8  8  8  32  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x00b 24  0  8  8  8  0   0  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x00c 24  0  8  8  8  0  16  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x00d 24  0  8  8  8  0  24  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x00e 24  0  8  8  8  0  24  8  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x00f 24  0  8  8  8  0  32  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x010 24  0  8  8  8  0   0  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x011 24  0  8  8  8  0  16  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x012 24  0  8  8  8  0  24  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x013 24  0  8  8  8  0  24  8  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x014 24  0  8  8  8  0  32  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x015 16  0  5  6  5  0   0  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x016 16  0  5  6  5  0  16  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x017 16  0  5  6  5  0  24  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x018 16  0  5  6  5  0  24  8  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x019 16  0  5  6  5  0  32  0  0 0 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x01a 16  0  5  6  5  0   0  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x01b 16  0  5  6  5  0  16  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x01c 16  0  5  6  5  0  24  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x01d 16  0  5  6  5  0  24  8  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
libEGL debug:     0x01e 16  0  5  6  5  0  32  0  4 1 0x00000000--            y  y   y   y                win,
18:56:48 [INFO] Adapter Vulkan AdapterInfo { name: "llvmpipe (LLVM 17.0.6, 256 bits)", vendor: 65541, device: 0, device_type: Cpu, driver: "llvmpipe", driver_info: "Mesa 24.0.7 (LLVM 17.0.6)", backend: Vulkan }
18:56:48 [INFO] Adapter Gl AdapterInfo { name: "llvmpipe (LLVM 17.0.6, 256 bits)", vendor: 65541, device: 0, device_type: Cpu, driver: "OpenGL", driver_info: "4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.0.7", backend: Gl }
18:56:48 [INFO] Connecting to SQLite database
18:56:48 [INFO] fetching team tester status
thread 'main' panicked at app/src/terminal/local_tty/shell.rs:165:21:
Did not find valid binaries when attempting to load fallback shell (not bash, fish, or zsh).
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
18:56:48 [INFO] Shutting down SQLite writer thread
18:56:48 [INFO] Shut down SQLite writer in 6.237253ms
dannyneira commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry to hear about this. I suspect that nixos may not have the necessary dependencies to run Warp. I noticed Warp is falling back to llvmpipe driver for rendering which is know to have issues.

Can you try the appimage version to see if the issue persists? x64 or ARM64