warpdotdev / Warp

Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
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Login required without a reason + Trial without sign in + Offline mode #900

Open swsnider opened 2 years ago

swsnider commented 2 years ago

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Describe the bug

I downloaded warp for the first time based on a link someone sent me about it being in public beta, but I'm immediately presented with a login form that I cannot dismiss. I know I cannot be the only developer who would never do a cloud login to use a terminal, let alone do it without any indication why it's needed or what it implies will be collected/transmitted to the warp team.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to https://www.warp.dev
  2. Click on Download
  3. Drag app to Applications
  4. Run Warp

Expected behaviour

A terminal emulator or similar experience opening quickly and slickly


No response

Operating System


OS Version

No response

Additional context

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avioli commented 2 years ago

All of my team was interested in trying this fancy new terminal emulator, but the moment a GitHub login showed up everyone decided we are okay with what we use for now.

There has to be a good reason to have that login form upfront for any sane terminal user to give access to their details.

lmiller1990 commented 2 years ago

I am echoing the same sentiment. I still gave it a try anyway - I'm liking what I see. I'd really like

  1. Not required to authenticate. Not ideal, unless there's some compelling reason (eg - happy to authenticate for deep GH integration, but this should be optional, imo).
  2. I hope there's a "do not track me" preference. My understanding is there's telemetry - what exactly is collected is likely buried in the ToS I didn't read, but it'd sure be nice to make it clear(er), and allow me to opt out.

Finally, as a general UX improvement, it might be nice to not require GH auth out of the box, but after a few hours of usage, say "Consider logging in with GH to get ". That's a much less confronting way to present authentication.

Cool project, I'll keep trialing it - I hope this feedback is useful.

oleg-kiviljov commented 2 years ago

What is even more stupid is that the login does not work for whatever reason (its not working for me right now!) I cannot use the terminal at all!

aggregated commented 2 years ago

There is absolutely no way I will ever use any Terminal that requires a Github login and that collects telemetry associated with my email address. You must be out of your mind.

danpalmer commented 2 years ago

Without any judgement about the use of telemetry, this will go against company policies for many engineers. I'm unable to use this according to my company's policy, and I mostly agree given that sensitive data goes through my terminal.

matthewheathoyster commented 2 years ago

I am echoing the same sentiment. I still gave it a try anyway - I'm liking what I see. I'd really like

1. Not required to authenticate. Not ideal, unless there's some compelling reason (eg - happy to authenticate for deep GH integration, but this should be optional, imo).

2. I hope there's a "do not track me" preference. My understanding is there's telemetry - what exactly is collected is likely buried in the ToS I didn't read, but it'd sure be nice to make it clear(er), and allow me to opt out.

Finally, as a general UX improvement, it might be nice to not require GH auth out of the box, but after a few hours of usage, say "Consider logging in with GH to get ". That's a much less confronting way to present authentication.

Cool project, I'll keep trialing it - I hope this feedback is useful.

According to their privacy policy they collect the following:

Analytics and Crash Reports: In order to improve the quality of our service, we will collect for logged-in users information pertaining to how the app is being used (analytics) and information needed to debug crashes in the app (crash reports). These analytics and crash reports may

It seems they'll only be an opt-out once this app is out of beta, according to their website.

jsnelgro commented 2 years ago

same, was really excited to try this out but the Github login was a complete show stopper

krzykli commented 2 years ago

Adding +1 to it, if you want to share your data it should be opt in. Forcing users to create an account for a terminal app is absolutely bonkers in my opinion, no offence :)

nils-tekampe commented 2 years ago

+1 Would really like to try out this terminal emulator but forcing a GitHub login is a "no go"

strannik19 commented 2 years ago

subscribing to this issue. until it gets resolved, can't even consider using it.

jneuhaus commented 2 years ago

Because a terminal application is a big juicy attack vector...why not increase that footprint by integrating with unnecessary (as in core functionality) cloud-based services? What could go wrong? No-go for me too.

benton commented 2 years ago

immediate uninstall

luwanhuang commented 2 years ago

Can't login through GitHub.. this is so stupid...

RealForce1024 commented 2 years ago

Can't login through GitHub.. this is so stupid...

loheagn commented 2 years ago

I can not login through Github. Is it a bug?

tomulli commented 2 years ago

Downloaded, checked feedbacks before installing, found i need login to start terminal => absolute NoGo ! Deleted without even trying. I will simply never use terminal requiring login regardless how perfect it may be.

Prokopp commented 2 years ago

Agreed, should not need a login. Even worse, does not work when given authorisation. 🤦‍♀️ A near-certain way to dent your image and perception before you even got the user onboard.

dnordgren commented 2 years ago

I'd generally agree with the sentiment above about not loving the GitHub login but was willing to live with it and maybe remove access later to give it a try...

only to find out that, as mentioned above, GitHub login isn't working in Warp (browser redirect just fails) so it's preventing me from trying your product and giving feedback.

Firefox 98 on macOS, in case that's helpful for troubleshooting.

ischenxin commented 2 years ago

The problem is that I can't log in, so I can't use this terminal.

dev4joel commented 2 years ago

The login issue is here:

How to fix the confusing login flow issue is here:

How to fix the proxy issue is here:

tbennett6421 commented 2 years ago
  1. We believe that the terminal is more powerful when you can share commands with teammates, generate commands using Open AI Codex, or run shared wikis directly in the terminal. These are not possible if users do not have an account with us. We've already begun building team features and we want to be able to ship them to our users without friction.

With all due respect, I disagree and have uninstalled and will not support this.

zliebersbach commented 2 years ago

Ohhh this is closed source. Otherwise I would just make a fork and remove GitHub and team features and use it!

See #400

yash1195 commented 2 years ago

Another data tracking product, really wanted to use the terminal but this sign in thing shows where the company is headed.

FunkySamuel37 commented 2 years ago

@dev4joel You're the best. Thanks a lot. Using clash x pro in enhanced mode saves my day.

thegass commented 2 years ago

forced telemetry -> uninstall

zliebersbach commented 2 years ago

If the devs really cared about OSS and weren't using it as a marketing ploy they wouldn't have approached their product release the way they have with forced telemetry and sign-in.

nailbones commented 2 years ago

I was going to try this on my work computer but I know now that that is never going to happen if I have to log in- our IT people would go nuts. Too bad, I know a lot of people that would love the functionality available here.

yingfeng commented 2 years ago

Can not login even if I have signed in at the warp.dev website, so stupid

webmass commented 2 years ago

Mandatory sign-up to use a terminal is definitely a no-go for most devs

piotr-jozwiak commented 2 years ago

Without any judgement about the use of telemetry, this will go against company policies for many engineers. I'm unable to use this according to my company's policy, and I mostly agree given that sensitive data goes through my terminal.

+1 to this, please re-think your business model and forced telemetry strategy otherwise many developers won't be able to use your software

tom-mayer commented 2 years ago

Can't agree more, terminal looked really nice and would have loved to try it out. Login/Online is an absolute no-go for me. If there weren't good alternatives like iTerm2 then maybe there would be more of an incentive to use it despite the login, but as the situation is now this makes no sense.

elviskahoro commented 2 years ago

Updated the docs with the how the team is currently thinking about all this! Please check it out! https://docs.warp.dev/getting-started/privacy

Will share any changes to login and telemetry here.

aggregated commented 2 years ago

You are still collecting telemetry that allows you to create extremely detailed profiles of your users and their activities. All it takes is for someone to accidentally paste a password into the search bar or create a code block from sensitive code and we have a serious compliance issue and data leak. You've been in public beta for several months now, it's admittedly good to know that you plan on stopping this once you're out of beta, but by then it's already way too late and on another note I know quite a few projects that have been in "public beta" forever.

Way out of line. No way in hell.

yveshield commented 1 year ago

This is just stupid, I will not use Warp as long as there is any terminal on the planet that doesn't require a login and have uninstalled it permanently.

jbnunn commented 1 year ago

As I wrote in a closed issue, this quote from the ReadMe project captures the ethos most of us in this issue are trying to convey here:

"A blank screen and a blinking cursor. That’s all that greeted users when they booted up their machines in the early days of personal computing. No start menu. No icons. Just the command line."

Requiring a login to terminal fundamentally attacks that ethos.

jorisw commented 1 year ago

You could probably save a lot of bandwidth on your website if you stated before downloading that signing in is a requirement. If it was, I missed it. Will also watch this issue to be notified when the requirement is removed, as the app does seem worth trying.

mufler commented 1 year ago

Heard about Warp on youtube super excited Downloaded Sign-in screen, what? Warp to trashbin Will never recommend this

dannyneira commented 1 year ago

We understand your concern. Thanks for your feedback and for considering Warp. Will post any updates on this thread if anything changes with login. We plan to make Telemetry optional in the near future so stay tuned.

W4ldgeist commented 1 year ago

Saw the terminal in a YouTube-Video. Got excited. Downloaded it, saw the login screen. First try on Google how to get rid of it was this bug report. Deinstalled the application. A terminal should never include a login. For your professional editions it might make sense because of the team-share-aspect (although I think that should be done ad-hoc with auth-links etc. which is a MUCH better system for access sharing than a central login, through a SSO powered by Microsoft), but as a free user I cannot make use of any feature that requires a login. This an absolute no-go.

pawel-tomkiel commented 1 year ago

Wanted to try warp out, saw login prompt, that was quick:



bravecrayon commented 1 year ago

Wanted to try warp out, saw login prompt, that was quick:


joaquingt commented 1 year ago

Wanted to try warp out, saw login prompt, that was quick:


SAME, imagine to use it in the company laptop no thank you

patschwork commented 1 year ago

As many before: Saw it on YouTube, thought nice... Want to try...

Login?! 😡🤮 Removed immediatly!

(I will not come back as I also saw, that it is "closed source" https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp/discussions/400 so I can't check what will happen with my data...)

sejmann commented 1 year ago

I also removed immediately. The concept looks cool, but collecting telemetry and requiring a login before first use is pure insanity. And the rationale given (for easier team sharing and bug reports) seems so flimsy and unnecessary -- it makes it seem like a fig leaf covering a more nefarious aim. Count me out.

guidocalvano commented 1 year ago

Youtube video looked amazing. I am really disappointed you require a sign in. My computer doesn't just contain my own private data but also private data related to work. I really hope you have a version that does not require login. You could for instance ask for a contribution after a trial period.

pjv commented 1 year ago

Such a shame. It looks like you guys have done some great design work on this app. I’m sorry I’ll never be able to try it.

guidocalvano commented 1 year ago

You also need to understand that professional developers with the money to buy your app deal with sensitive information. So you are excluding a large portion of the people that would gladly pay for warp.

jbnunn commented 1 year ago

At this point it's clear they're not going to change, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that it's a terrible user experience.

pawel-tomkiel commented 1 year ago

I think it's not about bad user experience at all, as we're logging to other services every day and it's not an issue.

Real problem is that Warp tries to challenge status quo to become more innovative and gain edge, but requiring logging in and gathering telemetry on such critical process as terminal is, will be a no-go to most of the target audience (dev/sys/ops). Simply because of privacy/security reasons - I just can't risk uploading my critical data to some servers that may get hacked sooner or later. Staying with iTerm2 and zsh, risk is much larger that reward here.

joriswitteman commented 1 year ago

We plan to make Telemetry optional in the near future so stay tuned.

Why do you even need sign-ins for telemetry?

VSCode does telemetry (by default) and doesn't ask you to sign in.