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no way to export particles in M on linux #149

Open linhua-tai opened 1 week ago

linhua-tai commented 1 week ago

Dear all,

I have a population containing two data sources, and I would like to export particles after M refinement to further classify. I've checked MCore, MTools and WarpTools, and couldn't find a easy one-button way to export particles after M refinement as what we used to have in Warp 1 windows GUI. I'm wondering if someone know how to do this?

Thank you very much! Best, Linhua

alisterburt commented 1 week ago

Hey @linhua-tai great to see you here!

You're right, this tool doesn't exist and for now you will have to export particles from each species in WarpTools and combine star files

I was considering whether all particle export should go through WarpTools now but was totally forgetting about the multi-data-source capabilities... this should be added 😀

linhua-tai commented 1 week ago

Hi Alister, thank you for your prompt reply! Always good to see you too! In addition to your reply, since the particles.star file that M produces has columns naming as "_wrpXXXXX" and WarpTools doesn't recognize it, should I just change the corresponding columns to "_rlnXXXXX". For instance, "_wrpSourceName" to "_rlnMicrographName"? Thank you very much!

alisterburt commented 1 week ago

that's a good point! Yes, you will have to change that too - if you have temporal poses in that STAR file they won't be taken into account unfortunately