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Deselect tilt series (not individual tilts) #80

Closed asarnow closed 2 weeks ago

asarnow commented 2 weeks ago

What is the best way to deselect tilt series? I've tried both setting UnselectFilter="True" in the XML files, and moving the XML files to another directory, and it's still counting to the original number of tilt series in the progress info (during template matching).

alisterburt commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Daniel, it's a bit clunky but you can specify one or multiple files with one of the command line flags (can't remember off the top of my head and on mobile) in the warptool for modifying selections

This will only work if done before starting a template matching run, once it is going it will go through each item one by one - the list of items is not updated on the fly in warptools programs

asarnow commented 2 weeks ago

Does change_selection do anything other than change UnselectFilter? I'm trying to use the list of filenames, but it says file not found with .xml, .tomostar, .mrc.mdoc. Which files should they be?

alisterburt commented 2 weeks ago

Either to the template matching or to the WarpTools change_selection program :) Names should be full tomostar names

asarnow commented 2 weeks ago

OK got it, thanks! For all the tools, --input_data takes e.g. tomostar/tiltseries.tomostar and same goes for the .txt file list input. This works (alters the UnselectManual attribute not UnselectFilter).

I think the output is bugged though, running just --deselect (so all the files) the output says


but then running --select --input_data good_ts.txt gives


which is a bit confusing.

ts_template_match still seems to be counting out of the full number (375, not 229) but I haven't got the progress output with the time estimate yet.

asarnow commented 2 weeks ago

Also not 100% related but is it safe to run multiple template matching jobs on different subsets of tilt series?

dtegunov commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, this should be safe.

alisterburt commented 2 weeks ago

closed by #82 - see docs at https://warpem.github.io/warp/reference/warptools/subsets/