warpme / minimyth2

Distro to make disk-less MythTV appliance
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Bug in reading custom evmap for remote #17

Closed DagNygren closed 2 years ago

DagNygren commented 2 years ago

There is a bug in the reader part for using a custom evmap. The file /etc/rc.d/init.d/conf.d/S_LIRC contains the following code:

    if [ "x${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF}" = "xyes" ] ; then                                 

        /bin/rm -f /etc/eventlircd.d/${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF}                                     

        mm_confro_get /${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF} /etc/eventlircd.d/${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF}     

        if [ ! -e /etc/eventlircd.d/${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF} ] ; then                               
            mm_message_output err "error: failed to fetch ${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF} file."             


And this will only read the file if MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF equals yes. Now "yes" is not an accepted name for a *.evmap file as it has to be named after the USB id. What follows is that the file will never be read.

Suggest replacing the

if [ "x${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF}" = "xyes" ]


if [ "x${MM_LIRC_FETCH_EVMAP_CONF}" != "xno" ]

warpme commented 2 years ago

Dag, Many thx! Hope it is fixed now in adaa1e1528

DagNygren commented 2 years ago

NP. Also extracted the squashfs, changed it and repacked. And now the reading of the evmap works for me. One thing though: My suggested fix will not work if the variable is empty. Will there be a default "no" ?

Ok. Read your fix :-) Better than mine...

warpme commented 2 years ago

:-) Sometime ago i changed config paradigm from: yes/no to: val./empty. reason was to simplify scripts for faster boot