warren-bank / Android-WebCast

Android app to extract video (file/stream) URLs from websites and watch them elsewhere (internal/external video player, Google Chromecast, ExoAirPlayer).
GNU General Public License v2.0
94 stars 17 forks source link

Are you looking for an original Logo for the app? #11

Closed SecularSteve closed 1 year ago

SecularSteve commented 1 year ago

If you are, I offer to make one for free.

I'm asking for permission first because I don't want to do this for nothing.

warren-bank commented 1 year ago

That's kind of you to offer, but I'm going to pass for the following reasons:

  1. the current icon is also baked into the Chromecast receiver (ie: when the video stops, or errors out)
  2. it's just not very important to me.. not worth the time and effort for either of us to bother making changes to it

Thanks again for the generous offer! But no.