warren-bank / Android-WebCast

Android app to extract video (file/stream) URLs from websites and watch them elsewhere (internal/external video player, Google Chromecast, ExoAirPlayer).
GNU General Public License v2.0
94 stars 17 forks source link

externally viewing to download the video #3

Closed Mobius90 closed 3 years ago

Mobius90 commented 3 years ago

ill ask the question here so the app catches the link i pressed the view with external player then i picked the download manager and it worked fine now the problem is when i manually take the link from the videos tab and put it in download manager it doesnt work is it like a token type of link can we chat on discord pls m1ke#5850

warren-bank commented 3 years ago


I could understand a video playing internally, but not externally. Internally the app sets Referer and Origin request headers that an external app (other than ExoAirPlayer) wouldn't. But if you're comparing starting an Intent (with a video URL in its data) to manually copy/pasting the exact same video URL into the exact same external app.. I'd expect the same result. Having said that, the Intent does also forward the mime-type of the video.. but I'd expect a download manager to be able to obtain that from the Content-Type response header. The only other possibility (that I can think of off-hand) is that the video URL is only valid for a brief lifespan and quickly expires. So.. an example would be helpful.

Have you experimented with requesting this example video URL on the command-line with curl? What does the server say?

warren-bank commented 3 years ago

PS: I fkn love the app: Intent Intercept