warren-bank / HLS-Proxy

Node.js server to proxy HLS video streams
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Handling reauth of a channel m3u that redirects to a CDN back-end? #41

Open bruor opened 5 months ago

bruor commented 5 months ago

You seem to be open to exploring new use cases, how about this one? I'm currently using https://www.hls-proxy.com/ and looking for an alternative since it can't handle this.

I've been doing some testing and noticed that my provider requires regular re-auth of the stream to keep it alive.

The channel M3U URL looks like this inside the master playlist: https://tvnow.best/api/stream/username/password/livetv.epg/channel.name.m3u8

When you GET it you receive a 301 redirect to something like this which is hosted on cloudflare: https://183-81-168-251.servers.party:5052/live22/DnUJ1vfuNxq-KIzI2GFbvw/312330/1706784248/3041567.m3u8

After an amount of time, the cloudflare servers throw a 410 error or 403 error when you try to GET the M3U or the .ts files and the stream drops. If you re-call the channel level m3u you are happily redirected to the content and can resume playing it.

Any chance you would be interested in adding this type of error handling / channel source resume functionality into your proxy?

warren-bank commented 5 months ago

Interesting problem.. it would only effect live streams (not vod)..

off-hand, I'd guess that this is probably video player dependent; whereby one player would re-request the original manifest URL, and another player would re-request the URL that is the result of redirection.

If so, then the former player would work fine with your provider, and the latter would not (as its auth token would eventually expire).

Also, if so, then the question you pose is.. could this proxy be used to help to workaround this issue when used in combination with the latter player?

Currently, no. However, I could imagine how a workaround could be implemented with the addition of two new hook functions:

  1. onManifestRedirect(urlsArray)
  2. onManifestError(url, status)

for example (untested, just some quick pseudo-code):

// hooks.js

// map: lastURL to firstURL
const manifestsMap = {}

const onManifestRedirect = (urlsArray) => {
  if (urlsArray && Array.isArray(urlsArray) && (urlsArray.length > 1)) {
    const lastURL = urlsArray[urlsArray.length - 1]
    const firstURL =urlsArray[0]
    manifestsMap[lastURL] = firstURL

const onManifestError = (url, status) => {
  if ((status >= 400) && (status < 500) && manifestsMap[url]) {
    return {
      "status": 301,
      "url": manifestsMap[url]

module.exports = {
bruor commented 5 months ago

I don't think I've come across a player that works around it yet, though I haven't had the time to test to that degree. The streams can take 4h to cut out sometimes and I don't have enough free time available to try to repro in something like VLC. I can pull examples from past logging though if you want to see exactly what happens when the other hls-proxy errors out.

I'm still learning HLS terminology, manifest would be the m3u that lists the .ts segments? If so I'm not completely sure if the error is thrown when it's trying to fetch the manifest or only the resulting .ts segments but I can pull some examples from my logs to verify.

If I'm understanding this code properly you're essentially keeping track of the URL you called vs the URL you ended up at to get the m3u, then if you receive an error you are redirecting yourself back to the 1st URL so you can be redirected again.

How would I go about coding/testing a hook function? Assuming the above was functional would the proxy understand what to do with those new functions? I'm seasoned when it comes to infrastructure but green when it comes to code.

warren-bank commented 5 months ago

In so far as your understanding of what that code is doing.. you're absolutely correct. However, you can't actually test that code yet.. because the hook functions that I'm proposing aren't yet supported by the proxy; I'd need to add code in the proxy to call them at the appropriate times. The proxy already supports a fairly long list of hook functions.. so it's fairly trivial to add support for additional ones.

HLS terminology is pretty simple:

IPTV terminology is confusing:

with respect to testing different video players.. a simple test could be contrived using a local web server.. and monitoring a log of the requests it receives from a video player. for example:

I'm not suggesting that you actually need to do any of that.. I'm only saying that it's a fairly simple test.

warren-bank commented 5 months ago

so.. I just reread and reconsidered everything I'd previously said after the benefit of a little sleep.. and I find myself now thinking that I want to take back everything and start again.

The short answer is: yes

The longer answer is:

Sorry! I have no idea why I didn't simply say that before. Guess I was more tired than I thought.

Anyway, my suggestion is to give this proxy a test.. and please report back your findings.

warren-bank commented 5 months ago

PS: I checked some old notes and confirmed that I've tested and used "tvnow.best" in the past.. and really liked this service a lot. These streams are HLS and will work perfectly with the proxy.

bruor commented 5 months ago

I would be interested in comparing notes, do you have a discord server or some way we can connect outside github?

warren-bank commented 5 months ago

I hadn't used Discord before.. not the most "social" person ever. After taking a quick test drive, I see its value.. so I registered an account. I locked the account down pretty tightly.. but I think you should still be able to send me a direct message. My username is: "warren.bank" and the display name is "warren-bank"; not sure which you would need. If DM is disabled by my privacy settings, please let me know.. and I'll either loosen the settings, or invite you to join a private channel on my server.

bruor commented 5 months ago

DM is disabled, you can try me there, same username. I think you have to add me as a friend by username.