warren-oneill / powerline

Extension to the zipline library for the German EPEX and EEX energy markets
7 stars 1 forks source link

Increase percentage of powerline project covered by tests #14

Closed dhexus closed 9 years ago

dhexus commented 9 years ago


warren-oneill commented 9 years ago


dhexus commented 9 years ago

Ignore the picture. Not all tests have been started. But make sure that test coverage is above 90% for each module.

warren-oneill commented 9 years ago

:+1: done

Name                                      Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
gg.powerline                                  0      0   100%   
gg.powerline.assets                           1      0   100%   
gg.powerline.assets.eex_metadata             14      0   100%   
gg.powerline.assets.epex_metadata            18      0   100%   
gg.powerline.assets.metadata_from_sql        15      0   100%   
gg.powerline.data                             1      0   100%   
gg.powerline.data.loader_power               29      1    97%   66
gg.powerline.exchanges                        1      0   100%   
gg.powerline.exchanges.eex_exchange          15      0   100%   
gg.powerline.exchanges.epex_exchange         15      0   100%   
gg.powerline.exchanges.exchange              21      0   100%   
gg.powerline.finance                          1      0   100%   
gg.powerline.finance.risk_gg                 40      0   100%   
gg.powerline.sources                          1      0   100%   
gg.powerline.sources.eex_source              23      2    91%   26, 36
gg.powerline.sources.epex_source             28      0   100%   
gg.powerline.sources.sql_source              37      0   100%   
gg.powerline.utils                            1      0   100%   
gg.powerline.utils.data                       1      0   100%   
gg.powerline.utils.data.data_generator       36      0   100%   
gg.powerline.utils.tradingcalendar_eex       58      0   100%   
gg.powerline.utils.tradingcalendar_epex      23      0   100%   
TOTAL                                       379      3    99%   
Ran 18 tests in 110.680s