warren-oneill / powerline

Extension to the zipline library for the German EPEX and EEX energy markets
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Add zipline-like history() for epex auction products (prio high) #15

Closed warren-oneill closed 8 years ago

warren-oneill commented 9 years ago


Give the algo developer access to the last n days of each product, e.g. '01' auction prices for the last 5 days, inside handle_data. Currently zipline orders the data by sid but we would like to have the data ordered by product.

Level of Ready

index      |  00   |   01  |   02  | .............. |   23  |
2015-12-01 | 12.10 | 20.02 | 22.05 | .............. | 40.04 |
warren-oneill commented 9 years ago

cc @dhexus

dhexus commented 9 years ago

Algo developers should have inbuilt access to all data that has been provided through data events.

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

@dhexus please review. Auction history is added. ID will follow in a later story.

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

IDV is added. need to add more thorough tests.

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

@maxkoe I will try to fill out the description above over the next few days.

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

hi @maxkoe I've been messing around a bit with the my current history stuff and it seems quite slow unfortunately. So it would be great if also keep a lookout for any possible ways of increasing performance. Thanks!

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

also it could be good to have a look at how the zipline people test their history https://github.com/grundgruen/zipline/blob/master/tests/test_history.py. Also they don't have the same issue of different versions of the same price that we have.

maxkoe commented 8 years ago

Additional test procedures can be found in the files tests/test_history_mock_data.py and tests/test_history_mock_batch.py, both in the branchhistory_tests. The old test is there in the filetest_history_db_data.py`.