warren-oneill / powerline

Extension to the zipline library for the German EPEX and EEX energy markets
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AMQP message producer for BTSF (prio high) #26

Closed dhexus closed 8 years ago

dhexus commented 9 years ago


Emit trade, risk and return data.

Level of Ready

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

Hey @markusschaller can you review this? Is what I've currently written enough or is there more to do?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@warren-oneill Hopefully reviewed by next Tuesday 12:00

dhexus commented 8 years ago

What's the status? How does the JSON format look like?

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

the unittest is currently broken. you can view it here https://github.com/grundgruen/powerline/blob/master/tests/test_messaging.py

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

this was my example for kay https://github.com/grundgruen/powerline/blob/master/gg/powerline/examples/messaging_algo.py

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

unittest and example are fixed

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

moving issue #42 here (fails on first run).

warren-oneill commented 8 years ago

self-closing. First run issue resolved (producer must be initialized before consumer) and Kay has a working algo messaging example implemented.