warycat / SuperSeaLion

2D Web Game
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refer to the boss idea and make a drawing of the boss #6

Closed warycat closed 10 years ago

warycat commented 10 years ago

draw it on paper and separate its parts so that you can do skeleton animation later.

warycat commented 10 years ago

http://warycat.github.io/SuperSeaLion/images/Pixie.json this is the json file of the example pixie man now we have a running version on our server check it out

yxun commented 10 years ago

employees_draw employees_parts_draw killer_lobster_draw kill_lobster_parts_draw krekan_draw karken_parts_draw merman_draw merman_pars_draw shark_draw shark_parts_draw

yxun commented 10 years ago

Now I have boss names : employee catcher, karken, killer lobster, evil merman, and shark. I think I will change something when I find all online resources later.

warycat commented 10 years ago

good job

yxun commented 10 years ago

Thanks. For the animation, what kind of export do we need ? I tried to use cocostudio to export a animation project with json, plist and png. But I am not sure can we use this one with javascript ?

warycat commented 10 years ago

as long as it conforms to the format we used in pixi it will be fine. You can test it in the project. I have a running version of pixie dude. you can replace the assets file and images (json + png) or copy the assets file and edit the js code. just make sure it works.

mesargent commented 10 years ago

Hello all,

I started making the json file that has all the info for bosses and enemies (should all this be in one JSON file?). I'm not sure what information to put in there, especially regarding movement. Any ideas?


warycat commented 10 years ago

Hi mark,

You can start it in one file. If it gets too big, then you can break it into smaller files.
