wasabia / flutter_gl

cross-platform call OpenGL API by Dart through dart:ffi. Provides OpenGL with Texture Widget on Flutter.
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iOS deployment target #20

Closed intonarumori closed 1 year ago

intonarumori commented 2 years ago

While the plugin did work nicely in a pure Flutter project, when I try to include it a Flutter module, I get the following error:

.../ios/Classes/CustomRender.swift:7:8: Compiling for iOS 8.0, but module 'three3d_egl' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 9.0

flutter_gl podspec defines iOS 8 as the deployment target here: https://github.com/wasabia/flutter_gl/blob/5963daac6acbd99ffa63e006c4567436232a5463/flutter_gl/ios/flutter_gl.podspec#L20

While threed3d_egl requires iOS 9.0 here: https://github.com/wasabia/three3d_egl/blob/1d428f666319e22ba4b4adab4389d30b41035cc3/three3d_egl.podspec#L20

I think flutter_gl podspec needs to be updated to iOS 9.0 as well. What do you think?

wasabia commented 2 years ago
