wasabia / flutter_gl

cross-platform call OpenGL API by Dart through dart:ffi. Provides OpenGL with Texture Widget on Flutter.
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I thought opengl is deprecated on iOS and MacOS? #36

Open escamoteur opened 1 year ago

escamoteur commented 1 year ago


I don't know if you know that I started a similar libary called Flutter_webgl and I used MetalAngle as replacement for opengl. I just saw, that it seems not be necessary in your library. can you explain how this works?

Thanks Thomas

wasabia commented 1 year ago

Hi @escamoteur angle should be on our roadmap.

if you want implement Flutter_webgl, these links maybe help.

for iOS or macOS we can create MTLTexture with CVPixelBuffer, then render to MTLTexture.

https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_web_gl https://medium.com/@german_saprykin/opengl-with-texture-widget-f919743d25d9