wasabia / three_dart

three.js rewrite by Dart, Dart 3D library. an easy to use, lightweight, cross-platform, general purpose 3D library.
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Model from Ready Player Me not loading correctly: skins malformed #158

Closed JanNilsScheele closed 4 months ago

JanNilsScheele commented 4 months ago


I am using the knightro version of the two libraries and try to load a model from Ready Player me. When I disable the SkinnedMeshes or when I import and reexport with blender, the model loads fine. If not, it looks like in the attached image. ( I only enabled SkinnedMesh for the footwear in the example).

Any public available Model can be used for testing...

Any ideas what's causing this effect?

Best regards, Silas

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-14 um 23 01 17