wasabia / three_dart

three.js rewrite by Dart, Dart 3D library. an easy to use, lightweight, cross-platform, general purpose 3D library.
MIT License
444 stars 77 forks source link

Is this package even maintained? I am getting multiple dependency issues while trying to install this package. #160

Open nirmal-kc opened 2 months ago

nirmal-kc commented 2 months ago

The package hasn't seen any releases in the past year, any other package that we can use for ThreeJS?

MapleNoise commented 2 months ago

You can add this dependencies with specific versions, you shouldn't have any more errors :

  three_dart: 0.0.14
  three_dart_jsm: 0.0.9
  universal_ui: ^0.0.8
  flutter_gl: ^0.0.21

Some people create PR from this packages for stabilise or improve. For example, I convert cannonJS to Dart coupled with this package. The best thing would be to review the JS/dart conversion of this package to improve and type the classes in order to improve memory leaks and performance. Want to be our hero?