wasdennnoch / AndroidN-ify

[Discontinued] An Xposed module to use features introduced in Android N on your LP+ Device
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Mobile data quick tile working, but icon not updating. #1031

Open Adrianrff opened 7 years ago

Adrianrff commented 7 years ago

When toggling mobile data from quick tiles, the action is performed but the icon doesn't get updated. When I turn mobile data on the X doesn't dissappear unless I hide the drawer and show it again. When I turn it off though, the icon does get updated (the X appears) most of the times. Sometimes it doesn't.


wasdennnoch commented 7 years ago

There are some thing related to MinMinGuard in the log; it tries to remove an 'ad' the module is inflating. Whitelist the SystemUI and Android N-ify to fix that. That's probably not the cause of your issue though. Are you toggling the data from the expanded or collaped tiles? Does the other tile get updated (update expanded when toggle from collapsed and vice-versa)?

Adrianrff commented 7 years ago

Ok, I've whitelisted N-ify in MinMinGuard, System UI was already whitelisted.

Before doing that though I had tried again and it seems the icon is updating without having to hide and show the shade again, but it seems to be very erratic. Sometimes it takes a while to do it (up to 6 seconds or more) and sometimes it does it almost instantly. The behavior is the same if I turn toggle mobile data from the quick tile (collapsed or expanded), or from settings. There's a delay in the icon update wither way.