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Fix crash when opening Battery settings in some cases #1384

Closed SerhatG closed 6 years ago

SerhatG commented 6 years ago

In some roms the Battery settings uses a LinearLayout instead of a FrameLayout. A ClassCastException is thrown in such roms causing a 'Unfortunately, Settings has stopped.'. Because they both extend ViewGroup and no other specific FrameLayout code seems to be used changing it to ViewGroup works just as well. Fix tested on Moto Z Play 6.0.1 MPN24.104-25.

Stacktrace of crash before fix: 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.LinearLayout cannot be cast to android.widget.FrameLayout 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at tk.wasdennnoch.androidn_ify.settings.SettingsHooks.bindBatteryHistoryPreference(SettingsHooks.java:113) 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at tk.wasdennnoch.androidn_ify.settings.SettingsHooks.access$000(SettingsHooks.java:42) 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at tk.wasdennnoch.androidn_ify.settings.SettingsHooks$2.replaceHookedMethod(SettingsHooks.java:83) 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at de.robv.android.xposed.XC_MethodReplacement.beforeHookedMethod(XC_MethodReplacement.java:29) 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.handleHookedMethod(XposedBridge.java:314) 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.fuelgauge.BatteryHistoryPreference.onBindView(<Xposed>) 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at android.preference.Preference.getView(Preference.java:495) 07-28 08:19:18.831 10640 10640 E AndroidRuntime: at android.preference.PreferenceGroupAdapter.getView(PreferenceGroupAdapter.java:246) .... ....