wasdk / WebAssemblyStudio

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[Question] Add New Language to WebAssemblyStudio #205

Open vonwenckstern opened 6 years ago

vonwenckstern commented 6 years ago


your tool is very nice. Our SE chair has a Simulink alternative language (EmbeddedMontiArc) which also compiles via Emscripten to WebAssembly.

We have some demo sites about WebAssembly files we created with our tooling: 1) https://demo.embeddedmontiarc.com/selfdrivingcar/simulatorWithTrajectory.html (or without trajectory: https://demo.embeddedmontiarc.com/selfdrivingcar/) 2) https://embeddedmontiarc.github.io/EMAM2Wasm/

We also have several videos about our tooling: http://www.se-rwth.de/~vonwenckstern/#videos

@mbebenita Is there a possibility to integrate our C&C language alternative into your project? Our compiler tool-chain chain as well as all of this source code is open source at Github and also well tested. Here is the main project for you: https://github.com/EmbeddedMontiArc/EMAM2Wasm

I think we both could benefit from each other -- we could give you a nice car tutorial where one of my master students @strepkov is working on. On the server side we would need Java additionally to clang and emscripten. But if the server capacity is a problem, we could also try to compile our byte code to JavaScript via cheerpJ (but this may cause some performance issues), or we can also use our server.

Best, Michael

yurydelendik commented 6 years ago

@vonwenckstern see similar thread at https://github.com/wasdk/WebAssemblyStudio/issues/191#issuecomment-382184110

brodycj commented 6 years ago

@vonwenckstern see similar thread at https://github.com/wasdk/WebAssemblyStudio/issues/191#issuecomment-382184110

(walt support)

and couple more:

What about some kind of plugin or language extension API, like what they use on the Atom editor or VS Code?

P.S. A couple more resources that may be interesting:

vonwenckstern commented 6 years ago

What about some kind of plugin or language extension API, like what they use on the Atom editor or VS Code?

That would be really nice, than also others could use your existing tooling here.

mbebenita commented 6 years ago

@vonwenckstern we're definitely open to adding more languages, however we don't really want to support too many backend services as part of this project. If you provide the API endpoints you can just have WebAssemblyStudio send the project there and get back the compiled .wasm file.

vonwenckstern commented 6 years ago

@mbebenita Thanks, we are writing right now a server which compiles our language to WASM and JS and send the result back to our client as zip file.

If you can tell us what kind of API endpoints you want, then we program our server so that it has exactly the endpoints of WebAssembly frontend.

yurydelendik commented 6 years ago

If you can tell us what kind of API endpoints you want, then we program our server so that it has exactly the endpoints of WebAssembly frontend.

We did not have a standard for endpoints yet and trying to document that atm. You may look into something along the lines of https://github.com/yurydelendik/clang-heroku-slug/blob/master/app/src/build.js#L11 or something even more simpler.