waseefakhtar / dose-android

💊⏰ Dose is a medication reminder app for Android, built entirely using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose with MVVM + Clean Architecture
MIT License
509 stars 80 forks source link

Bump dependencies #151

Closed waseefakhtar closed 2 months ago

waseefakhtar commented 2 months ago

Bump agp to 8.7 Bump activity to 1.9.0 Bump androidxHilt to 1.2.0 Bump compose to 1.6.8 Bump composeNavigation to 2.7.7 Bump core to 1.13.1 Bump espresso to 3.6.1 Bump firebase to 33.1.1 Bump firebaseCrashlyticsGradle to 3.0.2 Bump gradle to 8.5.0 Bump googleServices to 4.4.2 Bump gson to 2.10.1 Bump hilt to 2.49 Bump junitExt to 1.2.1 Bump lifecycle to 2.8.3 Bump room to 2.6.1 Bump material3 to 1.2.1 Bump firebase to 32.5.0