waseem18 / Life

My Goals and Achievements
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Goals and Ahievements #1

Open waseem18 opened 9 years ago

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Achieved: Wrote code ( https://github.com/waseem18/The-Weather-App ) to fetch weather details of the given zip code :+1:

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Achieved: Made an efficient Url shortener.

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Goal: As Quora lacks official API, it's not trivial to develop applications which extracts user data or knowledge from Quora. So trying to develop a REST API for Quora to extract the answers a user answered and the answers to a given question.

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Working on an interesting social network project. Trying to release it as soon as possible.

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Acheived: Designed Quora-API (unofficial) using a simple REST interface to extract top 6 answers of a question. Working on the feature to download the answers answered by a user.


waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Achieved: Made a social utility to combine github users to promote their projects and gain help.


waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Going through the code base of Mozilla firefox. Need to start patching good first bugs.

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Achieved: Qualified in ACM ICPC online round 2014. Way to Amritapuri regionals.

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

I want to make a product that people pay to use! :+1:

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

I have got a new project idea. It's a real time collaborative code/text editor with many other features which can help recruiters take online interview easily.

I have already made a prototype of Collaborative text editor. It's working :+1:

I wish to finish this project within second week of January 2015 and ask few recruiters to try it. :)

waseem18 commented 9 years ago

Read few articles about WebRTC and CDN. Pretty amazing! Excited to make something really cool out of it :+1: :+1:

waseem18 commented 8 years ago

Learn Django ASAP! :dart: