washingtonstateuniversity / Archived-WSUWP-Plugin-iDonate

A WordPress plugin for passing a fund list to iDonate
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Gulp build #259

Closed jdcrain closed 4 years ago

jdcrain commented 5 years ago

Changes the Grunt build to use Gulp instead, which have tasks that are being actively maintained. This makes it so we aren't stuck on Node 5.x for development and lets us use some newer versions of PhP and Linux in the docker images.

jdcrain commented 4 years ago

@blairlierman The instructions are currently in the Application Development tab in OneNote under "WordPress with Docker". The steps are pretty much the same as what they used to be, just run gulp instead of grunt.

Maybe we should add a contribution guide and add development setup steps there? That way it lives in the repo as well.

blairlierman commented 4 years ago

@blairlierman The instructions are currently in the Application Development tab in OneNote under "WordPress with Docker". The steps are pretty much the same as what they used to be, just run gulp instead of grunt.

Maybe we should add a contribution guide and add development setup steps there? That way it lives in the repo as well.

@jdcrain Yes, we should add it to a markdown file such as a contribution guide or README.